(Season 1) Chapter 32

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"Oh, no!" Pidge said as they all starred at the ship that crashed into the Balmera. Though Kiara wasn't touching the creature the wave of pain hit her causing her to close her and bit her lip. This creature has been through Galra for so many centuries for now. How much more can it take?

*Please tell me there's not a giant monster in there. Please tell me it's empty! Or full of space candy. One of these two. Either one is fine.* Hunk begged.

*I don't think it's a pinata, Hunk.* Lance said.

"If it's the same kind of the monster that attacked us on Arus, we already know how to beat it." Keith said.

    "The likeliness of that happening is low Keith. I think we should wait to see what  comes from it." Kiara spoke up. Still Keith summoned his sword. 'Hope we're right, or all of Balmera is a gooner.' she thought. Pidge activated the shield. "Hold your ground!" Shiro shouted to everyone as they waited.

    Tenstin ran high as they waited. Then the door hissed and steam came out as it opened up. Kiara held her breath. This was it. What would they be facing off this time? "Kia relax, we got this." Keith said she nodded. "Y-yeah. Sure." she held the back of his chair tighter.

    Then it broke away. Kiara gulped as she saw it. This was not the same thing. She wasn't sure what it was, but it was a machine and it began to charge up. As it locked on them a green orb began to charge. "Hold tight." she nodded.

   Just then the beam hit them. Voltron put it's shield but the beam was pushing it back. *It's not candy.* Hunk said clearly he was hoping it was. *-And it's not the same monster!* Lance added.

"Really, you two? Hunk, no way you'll get candy from that. Second Lance. It wouldn't be the same monster we killed off a few days ago." Kiara said back to the two paladins.

'Though the same type of monster would have been nice.' she thought. Voltron broke free and rushed in. *We need to draw it's fire away from the Balmera's surface!* Voltron flew moving avoiding the next flew lasers. Next hit. Everyone groans as they absorbed the blast. Kiara knew Shiro was right. This Balmera might not last through a full drawn out fight.

The monster fired the lasers again. Voltron dodge then went in and swung the sword at the monster. It shot an eye beam at them. Voltron was hit but still fighting back. It fired more times Voltron flew around only to block once more.

-line break-

Sadly things weren't going as the team had been hoping for and Voltron was losing.

*We can't hold out!* Lance said. As Voltron tries to avoid another blast from the beast.

*My lion's weakening! If the shield sustains structural damage, we are done for!* Pidge said. "Blazes." Kiara said. This was powerful. Yet her grandfather was right there had to be a way to defeat it. She knew that much nothing was unstoppable. "Pidge is right!" Keith said backing up the Green Paladin.

*Pidge is right. I'm the one that said, we can't hold out!* Snapped Lance. "Lance watch your footing!" Keith yelled at the Blue Lion's Paladin. Too late they slipped and fell. Kiara gell back. Everyone groan on impact. "Can you guys ever just stop the bickering?" Kiara whined getting up eyes glaring at Keith, though part because she could see Lance.

"Keith"— "Not now Lance." Kiara stopped him clearly. She was not in the mood for this. *Okay, Team Voltron disband!* she said to them. They broke apart. *Everyone evasive maneuvers! It can't shoot us all at once!* The monster opens upit arms. "Uh, guys..." Kiara said her eyes went wide as it fired lasers from its arms. They quickly flew avoiding them. "What was that Shiro? It can't all of us?" Kiara asked anyone to prick her.

Shiro sighed, relaxing he might have jumped the gun. "Okay, it can do that too."

They kept dodging the lasers. Kiara for once glad it was shooting up. Then it gave a cry as the Castle fired at it. The laser vanishing. Turning it fired an eye beam at the Castle.

"It won't hold." Kiara said as she looked toward the ship. *Keith, try to draw it's fire! I'm coming in from above!* Shiro camandered giving the Red Lion a job.

"Roger." He replied back then flew at it firing the fire beam at the creature. The Monster turned and fired at Red dodging giving Shiro a chase to come above it. It turned and fired causing Shiro to pull away and doge the eye beam.

"We need to find it's blind spot,." Lance said. "I don't think things have a blind spot. It has a thousand eyes." Pidge added. "Guys. Everything has a weakness. My grandfather told me so. You guys need to focus and find patterns." Kiara said, speaking up. "Think back on your last in counter with something like this guy. Everything will have a pattern to it." she told them. *Laser eyes, Laser eyes!* Kiara sighed as Hunk painck voice cut in.

"How are you holding up back there?" Keith asked her. "Just fine. thanks." she said briskly. Kiara could feel the Balmera closing her eyes. She wished she could do something to help it. Outside more of the Galra tech fall onto the Balmera. "What do we do? Fighting this thing is like fighting an entire fleet at once!" Pidge asked.

"I think we've got to aim for those laser eyes and take them out." Keith suggested. "Are you sure?" Lance asked. "Keith's right. I remember there are some creatures who have sensitive eyes and blink when you touch them. If we destroy them. Maybe it will cripple it enough to take it out." Kiara said backing him up.

"Go for it. --We'll cover you from up here!" Allura said. Then fired a few shots to the back of the monster. It turned around to face the castle. Then it fired all the laser at the Castle-Ship.

Kiara could hear Coran panicking and Allura voice following. "Not good." she said Keith nods in agreement. *Princess, pullback! Get out of it's range now!* Shiro told her. *We will not abandon you!* Allura said. *Your not abandoning us. We're about to pull back alway. * Shiro was right. They had no plan and right now they will fail. "Listen to Shiro, Allura. He's right we must retreat if we want to fight on." Kiara said hating the fact they couldn't do anything to the monster.

"We are?" Hunk asked clearly just getting the memo. "We can't hold out. We have to. Lions, to the mine shafts! It's the only place the monster can't get us." Shiro said to them.

"Roger that." The Green Lion pulled away heading for the mines.

"Heading into orbit." Allura said as the Castle falls back into safety of the atmosphere.

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