(Season 1) Chapter 53

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Kiara followed after Shiro, as they entered the Green Lion. Kiara kept back leaning on the wall, eyes narrowed. Shiro walked to the group. "Where's Allura?" Keith asked noticing the princess was not with them. "Shiro?" Keith asked as the leader leaned on the chair. Everyone gathered around him. "She sacrificed herself to save the two of us." Shiro told them.

"So she's still on that ship?"

"The ship that is heading to Zarkon's Central Command?"

"The place that is way too dangerous for us to attack."

"It doesn't matter how dangerous it is now." Kiara walks up to them. "We can't let Zarkon get Allura." Kiara said standing behind Shiro. "But, Shiro you said going there would be a huge mistake. You said for us to attack that place head-on would be the dumbest possible thing we could ever do." Hunk tells him.

"I know, but now we don't have a choice," he says. They began their fly back to the Castle. Kiara taps her hand as they approach it. 'Why did it take losing Allura to the Galra to get us to face Zarkon?' She thought she would lean her head on the Green Lion. A purr only she knew she could hear rang out. Kiara gave a soft smile. 'Thanks, but I think you should tell the other lions about this.' Kiara said back as the Castle came into view.

-line break-

Once they landed they quickly made their way to the bridge. "Pidge scan the download from the ship. Find out where Zarkon's central command is." Shiro told Pidge. "On it."Pidge said at her seat pulling up the data with Hunk hoving over her.

"What happened where's Allura?" Coran was panicking not seeing the princess with them. "They captured her. She scacefired herself to save me and Kiara from the information. We didn't have a choice." Shior told him his own agner over what was going on flaring up.

"How is that possible?" Coran asked clearly distressed over the matter. "Coran, I'm sorry things didn't go as planned, but we can't focus on what went wrong. We've got to figure out how to make it right. Pidge anything?" Shiro asked her.

"Guys, look at this." She says pulling up the info she found onto a bigger screen. Kiara's eyes widened in shock. "Look at the size of it!" Coran gasped in shock. "I think we should go in right away. Every minute we waste gives Zarkon time to prepare for us." Pidge says looking at everyone.

"I agree. We form Voltron, fly in, fly out, dust off our hands, and walk away."Lance says.

"Um, do you guys not remember the Balmera? We could barely take out the fleet. But this... a base this size could hold a thousand fleets!" Hunk points out.

"Or maybe we shouldn't go on this mission at all. Think about it. We'll be delivering the universe's only hope to the universe's biggest enemy." Keith says to them. Kiara stared in shock. 'What in the name of galaxies happened to him?' she thought. Yet it was true. "Keith, that's cold even for you." Hunk says to the Red Paladin."What if it was one of us? What if it was me? You wouldn't leave me would you" Hunk asked him.

"I'm not saying I like the idea. I'm thinking like a paladin." Keith tried to defend himself. "No, you're thinking of yourself because you're too scared to do what is right!" Lance calls him out. "Okay, we're all upset because we lost Allura." Pidge tries to calm the others down. "No, Shiro and Ariana lost Allura!" Coran shouted at Shiro mainly.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Kiara yelled, gaining everyone's attention. Lance and Coran jumped back in fear as something sparked off her. "I can't BELIEVE you all. The moment we lose someone everyone plays the blame GAME." Kiara crossed her arms eyes narrowed at each paladin. "I'm going to say this and say this ONCE." Her eyes glowed fully.

"Coran, you have every right to be upset with the two of us. I went because I wished to prevent it. I'm sorry I failed to do so." Her tone is heavy with guilt and sorrow. "Keith your right. We head there, we are handing the lions over to the most hated person ever... but Pidge and Lance are right. We can't waste time. Once you all figure out a plan without chewing each other out, came and find me." Kiara turned and walked off.

She stopped at the door. "We are one, remember that." with that she walked out of the room leaving everyone staring at her. In shock fear and bewilderment.

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