(Season 1) Chapter 16

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Voltron landed facing Ro-beast. Kiara kept her grip on Shiro's chair staring at the cyborg-like thing before them.

   "Remember, we are one unit, fighting with one goal." Shiro reminds the others. Ro-beast begins to charge up the ball again. "Kiara, it's okay to relax." She blinked as Shiro spoke only to her. "Okay." She said not realizing she was ridged with fear.

   Then Voltron lunged at Ro-beast. The cyborg raised the glowing electric arm and threw at them. Voltron swerved shooting forwards. The Red Lion intercepts the same arm.

   Kiara could hear them. Lions and their Paladins roars and yells. Pidge thrashed forwards next. The Green Lion made an impact with the left hook. She was impressed by how much and how quickly everyone was growing.

   Ro-beast stumbled into a mountain like boulder. Voltron jumped and brought down the two lion arms. This caused their foe to block them.

  Kiara stiffens as a rumble rang in her head. She looked around as something wasn't feeling quite right. Her eyes landed on the freehand. It began to spin fast.


   Voltron looks back. Shiro saw it. The electric ball was coming back fast. Then it hit them. She heard everyone grunt as they fell. Lucky her she slammed into the chair. "Ow." 'That hurt.' As it came back everyone yelps and the legs stumble barely keeping them from getting hit again.

"I thought Voltron was the most powerful weapon in the universe!" Keith said clearly annoyed with the monster they were facing.

"Yeah, so how is this monster kicking our butts?" Hunk asked.

"Maybe because you all are still new at this? Saving the world stuff?" Kiara chimed in.

Voltron watched the ball but didn't see the Ro-beast coming up. A simple punch it sent them flying. 'Not again.' Everyone groans as the hit the ground.

"Oh, no! The village! We have to protect those people!" Kiara said.

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In a cave, nearby everyone hides with Coran and Allura. The ground shook around them.

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Ro-beast threw the ball again at them. Pidge and Keith blocked the attack while Lance and Hunk tried to get their footing back and not fall. Just then the jets active keeping Voltron from destroying what was under it.

"That was close!"

   Voltron took to the air. Kiara let out a breath she held. Shiro's quick action paid off. Voltron flew passed Ro-beast getting the orb to chase them.

"We got him away from the Arusians, but we can't take him down!" Hunk said

"I got it! I'm to power-kick that orb thing." Lance said

"No! The last time you did a tick kicked fell!" Keith pointed out.

"Stop living in the past and do something now!" Kiara shouts back.

   Voltron rushed in. The Ro-beast threw the orb at them. "Oh and Lance, you better not mess this or it will be the last thing you ever do." Kiara threatens. 'Not sure if I could carry it out though.'

  "Oh, no." The orb hits them. "Moron!" Kiara yells at him. Voltron hit the ground on its side. The Ro-beast was rushing them.

"Pidge, fire lasers now'," Shiro commanded.

"Got it! Fire!" The Green Paladin said.

A shield took the place of a laser. Kiara was startled as growl rang out. She blinked shaking her head. 'I must have hit my head.'

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