(Season 1) Chapter 50

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"I can't believe this worked." Kiara grumbled as she, Shiro and Ebony were crammed into boxes with parts all around them. It was scrapped and they couldn't move around much. "So why did you want to come with us?" Shiro asked her. "Well, for one. I don't want to babysit the four half grown teens" earning an amused look from Shiro. "Second I still think having Allura go is risky so having extra hand might be helpful." Kiara said keeping her voice down so Allura couldn't hear her.

Soon they began moving. Kiara hushed Ebony as she tried to stay still. "I hope we can pull this off." Kiara whispers. Then muffled voices echoed from above them. "Halt." one of the guards said to Allura.

"Move along." The next one said. They could hear Allura let out slow breath. 'So far so, good.' Kiara thought. From the control tower, everyone else was watching as Allura and the others made their way into the ship.

"They're in." Lance said. Keith felt relieved a bit yet still he was concerned about both his friends safety. " What do you think they have in all those giant containers?" Keith asked, looking at the glowing yellow cylinders. Taking his focus off the mission at hand.

"Well, I suspect that it's sporks," Hunk siad earning  two confused looks from the Red and Blue Paladins. "This an advanced race we're talking about here. Surely, they've learned that it's foolish to have forks and spoons when one tool will efficiently do the jb." Hunk explains while they look at him like he was nuts.

"Maybe this guy will tell us. What is coming in and out of this station?" Pidge asked one of the robots she hooked up to her computer. The three others looked towards her direction. "Initiation detected. Initiation lockdown." Then it shut down on her. "Not talking, eh?" Then Pidge quickly started hacking and trying to get the  information they needed.

As the others turned back. "Whoa. Check out this guy. " A tall cloaked Galra stood in front of the glowing yellow cylinders. Hunk and Lance looked to see what Keith was talking about. "Whatever's happening here that requires the base to be kept secret, must have something to do with that scary dude. I'm going to check it out." Keith said as he got up to leave.

"How about we just lay low and you don't blow our cover?" Lance says, but Keith kept walking away. "Keith, think about what you're doing. Don't walk through that door!" Lance tries to act threatening but yet Keith walks out of the door nonetheless.

-line break-

Once they were in Allura let them out. Ebony shot up flapping. "Hush." Kiara snaps as she gets up. Stretching her cramped muscles. Shiro follows suit. "Well let's get going." Kiara adds as the cat sized dragon landed back on her shoulders. Then she started to walk off. Allura and Shiro hurried after her. "Hey, stay close." Shiro told her as she came to a stop at the corner.

As they joined her. The three poked their heads around so see many Galra soldiers walking pass or standing by. Pressing their bodies to the wall as footsteps echoed. Kiara gulped as she tried to focus. Glancing to see. 'Not now.' she thought forcing her own warryness aside. Sure she hated the idea of being back on a ship like this. But looking at Shiro and the way he stood his eyes shut. Kiara waited until the Galra walked passed before she rested her hand on Shiro shoulder. Allura noticed this as well.

"Shiro, are you all right?" Allura asked him. He faced them. Kiara left a pang of sympathy for him. She knew what it was like. "I just remembered how I escaped from the Galra prison ship. Listen, most of the ship's personnel are sentries." Shiro tells them.

"So?" Allura said.

"So, it means they have patterns. Right?" Kiara felt like mentally slapping herself. She knew they did. She too watched them and timed how often they did something and how. "That's right. When I was a prisoner, I timed their patterns, but how did you know something like that?" Shiro asked Kiara a bit in shock.

Kiara lean forwards. "Let's save story time for later. Besides, what matters is.. Can you remember it?" Kiara looked at Shiro and Allura. Ebony nudged her face. Her hand stroked the dragon. They nodded agreeing to drop the subject for now at least.

"So, do you remember it?" Allura asked him. "Let's find out." Shiro in the lead they took off.

Ebony took off from his perch flying above them. They ducked into a coordoor as a group marched passed them. Quickly they left as more came by the way they just came from. Kiara smirked as they kept moving avoiding the sentries. 'Hope the others are doing all right.' Sh thought as once more they moved away from where they were just at.

  "Why are you hitting yourself? Stop hitting yourself. Quit hitting yourself." Hunk laughs as he messes around with the wires. The sentrie hand went up and down hitting his head. "Stop torturing it, Hunk." Pidge says as she looked up from her computer screen. "I'm sorry. I just... I need something to keep me busy, so i'm not worried about Keith getting caught, or Shiro, Kiara and Allura getting blasted by robot things, or someone finding us here, like, right now.."

"Stop it hunk." Pidge said, taking away the wires from the Yellow Paladin. "I think we can teach it to help us. Would you like to help us, Mr. Robot?" The robot turns his head and nothing. "Whoops." Pidge says. Clearly what she had done didn't work.

"Quick question. Does Allura talk about me when I'm not in the room?"Lance asked them leaning back to the pillar. Hunk smirks as he replies. "Oh, yeah, all the time." Hunk tells him.

"Really?" Lance asked clearly interested. "Yeah, yeah. She's all like, "Oh, Lance. He looks so fine. I'm all atwitter." Then, she turns red and makes me swear not to tell anyone."  Hunk initiates Allura. This caused Lance's ego to blow up and with a huge smile on his face as he shouts.

"I knew it! Gah!" Lance screams as he is hit by the robot's arm. "Whoops." Pidge says sarcastically apologize to Lance.

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