(Season 2) Chapter 1

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The wormhole opened as three lions fell through it. They began to split up from each other. All three Paladins screamed as their lions spun out of control.

The White Lunar Lion managed to level out in midair and then shot after the closest of the lions. As the lion grew closer to the ground. Lunar extended the claws hocking and locking into the Lion's back.

Kiara watched as they spun closer to the ground. Gripping one of the controls tightly in the other She reaches out to touch the screen.

Just then the two lions hit the ground. Kiara yelped as her body jolted forwards and backwards. Lunar's eyes flicked and died. Causing everything to go black.

~With Keith~

Groaning, Keith opened his eyes sitting back he coughed and sighed. "You, okay Red?" he asked his lion as he moved the controls. Yet Red didn't respond back. Sighing, "okay. We'll fix you up. We had a tough battle."

Keith got up from his chair and made his way to the emergency hatch. As it opened he hosted himself up. "Where are we? Where have we landed?" Keith stared out into the vast barren landscape before him.

"Shiro. Kiara." Keith eyes widened as he remembered the other two paladins who were with him when he crashed. 'Where are they? Are they alright?'

Quickly looking around, his blue-gray eyes widen seeing the White Lunar Lion a few feet from Red. "Kiara!"

~With Kiara& Ebony~

Groaned as she felt something nudging her check. Opening her eyes they began to focus on the baby dragon staring at her. Ebony's amethyst eyes glowed.

"Hey, Eb-ony," she said groggily. The Night Terror squawked and began cooing and nuzzling her happily. Kiara lightly laughed and smiled. *Kia!* Blinking she tapped her helmet. "K-Keith? Keith! What's wrong?" she asked rapidly. A sigh followed, *Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?* Ebony flew back a few feet giving Kiara room to sit up. 'How did I end up on the ground?' She thought as she sat up. Sharp jolt of pain from her left arm made her hiss lightly. *Kia?!*

Laughing.. "take it easy hotshot. It's not like we just got tossed through a wacky wormhole, landing who knows where, with who knows what." Her tone laced with sarcasm. Keith gave an exaggerated sigh. *Answer the question are you all okay?*

A smirk crossed her lips. Yet she kept her tone even. "We're fine. Ebony alright. Lunar looks to be offline-"-*you?* Kiara rolled her eyes. "Calm your jets Ace. I'm in one piece. Just a bit shaken and sore but, I'm fine." She stood up and looked around the lion. "Where are you?" Kiara asked the Red Paladin.

*Outside your lion. Can you get out?* He asked.

Kiara walked over to the emergency hatch. "Yes. Give me a second." As she opens up the hatch. "Need a hand Kia?" Keith asked her as he leaned over the edge and offered a hand up. Kiara takes his hand "Thanks Ace." Keith smirked at her as he hoisted her up.

Once up, on top of her lion, her eyes widened as she stared at the landscape before them. "Where is the universe are we?" As they stood on top of Lunar. "I kind of said something earlier." Keith said.

Kiara sighed and looked to the Red Lion and the crater . "Sorry... I tried using Lunar's barrier to lessen the impact. It looks like it didn't do a good job." The White Paladin apologized. "Hold it. You're the one who lessens the impact." Kiara nods, "Uh, Huh. Lunar told me to do it. Well showed me how," she explained.

"I guess me and Red owe you one." Keith placed on her shoulder her body stiffen at his touch. Causing Keith withdrew his hand quickly. "I didn't—- —"wha.. No. no. Keith where's Shiro? I saw Black, but where is he?" Kiara asked Keith looking over at him. The concern he did some dwindled away to bring new set of worries in.

"I'm not sure.. I was trying to reach him while I made my way to Lunar." Keith explained. Both teens now had worried looks.

"Shiro? Come in? Shiro." Kiara tried hopeful he might answer. Ebony nudged her check cooing. Trying to reissue his friend.

"We have to find him." Kiara said.

"And we will. Do you know how to use your jetpack?" he asked.

Kiara shook her head. "I haven't had a chance to test it out yet." She conference. Kiara hasn't had much time to test out the jetpack since she got her armor only days ago. Her sea-blue eyes traveled to the sky scanning for any sign where their leader could have gone. The sun caused her the silver to shimmer in her eyes. She then put her hand up shadowing them.

"Take my hand." Keith said holding his hand out to her.

"Huh?" Kiara turns to face Keith.

"You trust me right?" Keith asked.

Kiara smiles as she grasped his out stretch hand and laced her fingers with his. "Of course. You haven't given me a reason not to."
Keith tighten his grip. "Okay count of three activate your jetpack." The Red Paladin tells her.


'You got this. It's just like learning to be a pilot.'


Kiara felt Keith squeeze her hand in reinsurance.


Both Kiara and Keith's jetpacks kick in as they jumped off of Lunar. Ebony took off as well flying a head of the two paladins. 'Hold tight Shiro. We're coming.'

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