(Season 1) Chapter 36

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Kiara made her way into the training deck. The lights flickered on as she walked in. She basically wore simple workout attire. Her dark blue tank, black shorts,  brown boots. Her hand was no longer wrapped faint scarring from the ring's flame on top of her hand. She did have her dagger strap on her right hip.

  Sticking a hair tie in her mouth she pulled her dark violet hair up and left her bangs down framing her face. Walking over to the wall and grabbed a sword.

"Start Training Sequence Level Two."

The Gladiator appeared. It held a sword this time. Shifting her stance putting her right foot forward and her sword out they both rushed each other at the same time. Sounds of the two sword hitting each other rang out.

Kiara gave a grunt as the gladiator managed to push her back. As she staged it quickly came again. She quickly dodged.

Left, right, left, down. Kiara weaved as she moved.  Thrusting her sword quickly, she blocked the next strike. Stepping forwards so she's facing the gladiator. Pushing her weight into the sword Kiara knocked the robot back a few paces.

Then breaking off they rushed once more. Keeping herself lower to get in close.

With a smirk she side steeped causing the robot's sword to it the ground. As it turned around to face her.

Kiara was already coming back around. This  time she rushed in keeping low as it swung she dove under it, the sword out she knocked the gladiator off balance. As Kiara rushed in the gladiator was up it swung out sending her to the ground.

Kiara watched as it lunged  raising the sword above its head. Swiftly she put her own up blocking the strike. A metallic sound rang out. Then using her legs, she pushed back then breaking the two sword apart before she could the gladiator could advance.

"End Train Sequence."

The Gladiator stopped and vanished. She let out a long sigh. Kiara wasn't sure how long she had been there for. "I wonder how the interrogation is going?" She asked no one in particular. Kiara had ran into Shiro earlier this morning, he said they will try to get info about Sendak's memory. Kiara refused to go, she wanted to get some extra training while she had the time.

"Well, last time I checked.. Slow." Kiara turned to see. "Keith?" She was shocked to see him standing near the door in his dark gray/black t-shirt on, leaning on the wall arms crossed watching her. Putting her sword on her shoulder she walked over to him. "How long have you been here?" Kiara asked him.

A bit curious what he managed to see. He shrugged moving from the wall. "About the last five minutes." Kiara sighed in relief. "You have a good reaction time." He added. Kiara tapped her sword. "Thanks, but my stance and technique could still use some work." She added.

"So, what are you doing here by the way? Aren't you guys waiting for Sendak memories?"she asked him. "Yeah, but it was going to take a while, so figured I'd hit the training deck in the meantime." Keith explained to his friend. "But it looks like you beat me to it."

  "Well, I'm done here. You're welcome to have it for yourself." Kiara offered up to him. "Actually since you're here, how about we spar." The Red's Paladin offered her Meeting her sea-blue gaze, she stepped back with a sword to her side. "Spar? I don't see why not." They went to the center of the deck and faced each other.

   Keith summoned his bayard. The two face off against each other. "Let's make this a bit more interesting Kogane. Whoever loses has to do what the winner says for one day." She offered him. "Are you sure? You're terrible at winning bets." He told her. A light smile on his face.

Kiara grande, "I won't lose this one that easily." She muttered the last part.

Then the two lunged at each other and their sword clashed with each other. Kiara and Keith pushed against each other. Kiara planted her back foot as he tried to push her off his balance.

Through the swords she could feel the bayard and his power flowing through it. With a quick thrashed he pushed her back she pushed forwards breaking apart knocking him back. Then she rushed in Keith quickly regaining his balance he dove under her and swung his bayard out, under her left foot tripping her, causing her stumble over her feet to regain her balance.

Quickly she spun around to meet him her blue eyes glowing and shot at him. He quickly raised his weapon to meet her own.

They kept it up, one pushes other back. Unlike Keith, Kiara was wearing out. So when he strikes again she stumbled back sword skidding out of reach.


Keith dismissed his sword and offered her a hand up. The match was over. Kiara sighed. "One day.... one day I'll beat you Keith... Kogane." She said getting to her feet catching her breath but was smiling nonetheless.

"Well see." Keith chuckled lightly lifting her to her feet. Then glancing at something around her wrist. "Where did you get that?" he asked, noticing the object on her left wrist.

  "Oh, I forgot I tied it around my wrist." She laughed holding it up for him to look. "It's called A Prism Crystal." Kiara told him as he took her hand looking at the gemstone.

"I thought you don't wear jewelry?" Keith said a puzzled look. "Yeah.. I don't but the Balmera gave it to me before we left." Kiara told him to take her hand back. "So when Shiro sent me to get you, you were getting that from the planet?" Kiara nodded. "Yes. It was saying thanks." She told him.

  "Anyways.. As for the bet, you can choose to use it or not, '' She said walking over to pick up the sword. "You shouldn't be making bets, you're terrible at winning them," Keith said as she rested her sword on her shoulder once more. "Well I did win one." Kiara said turning see a surprised look on his face.

"It was after you left. Let's say Iverson wasn't very happy." She explained setting the sword down and leaning on the wall. "Alright, if you want to do solo go right ahead. I'm taking a breather." Kiara said.

Kiara leaned on the wall and watched as Keith started with level one. What was impressive was how quickly he was moving up the levels. "I might need to ask him to teach me some skills." She said leaning her head on her hands. A smile on her face.

-line break-

Keith quickly finished off level two Gladiator. "Hey, you sure you want to keep going?" Kiara asked him as she sat on the ground one leg out other up to her chest. "Yeah. I'm sure. Start training level three." He said. 'Your funeral.' She thought.

  The Gladiator showed up turning on it and rushed him. Swiftly they matched strike for strike. Well it would be if Keith wasn't defending each strike. Kiara watched as the Gladiator pushed the Red Paladin back with each  blow. 'He's in over his head.'

Next blow knocked him sending him rolling then he skidded to halt as he stood up. "End training sequence," Keith panted, catching his breath. Then the robot moved in then the light on its head  turned. Kiara lepat to her feet and ran.

"End training sequence!" He shouted. The Gladiator swung. "END SEQUENCE NOW!" Keith shouted louder. Sound of metal hitting metal. His bayard flew from his hands. 'Quiznack!' He thought.


  As it is around him. He saw Kiara pulling out her sword and ran as the Gladitoror. It kicked out sending him rolling with a kick. Pushing himself up onto his side. His wide eyed as Gladitoror rushed him. He needs to act fast.

  Just then Kiara managed to intercept it slamming herself into sending it flying. Keith stared in shock as she spun at him hosting him to his feet by his arm.

  "GET YOUR BAYARD!" Kiara shouted as it now rounded on her then rushed her. Keith nodded and ran to grab it.

     Kiara swiflty dodge one swipe then the next by ducking. "This way!" Keith yelled she swung her foot out knocking it down then race to the exit. Once out Keith shut the door. "What in the Name... of all things RIGHT...  is going ON?" She asked. They lean against the door.

"I.. I don't know? You.. okay?" He asks her to both catch their breaths. Kiara nodded. "Just.. MOVE!!" She shoved him and jumped back as the sword pierced the door between them. "Holy, Stars!" She gasped stepped back as the door was destroyed.

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