(Season) 2 Chapter 3

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~With Kiara, Keith & Ebony~

Kiara and Keith ran over the flat ground. Keith suggested they try to get to higher ground. Kiara glances behind them. To where the Red and Lunar Lion rested. Ebony squawked regaining her attention she quicken her space to catch up to Keith.

"Anything?" Kiara asked him. Keith shook his head. Kiara chewed her lip. "Shiro? Shiro, please reply." Kiara begged. All she could hear was static. Kiara shook her head. "Shiro can you hear us? Shiro?" Keith tried.

Ebony cried as he flew back to them. "Keep searching bud." Kiara shouted up to the dragon. Ebony swooped around and flew higher.

"Shiro come in?"-- --"Are you there?" They are both tired. They had to fund him. "I should have stayed with him." Kiara mutters. "We'll find him don't worry." Keith tries to reassure her. Kiara nods briskly. "I know."

The two kept running. Climbing higher and farther from their lions. Kiara really was hoping they were heading in the right direction. They kept trying. "Pick up. Please. Shiro. Pick up." Kiara begged. Static answers before a voice cut in.

*Guys. Guys. I'm here. I'm okay.* Shiro replied.

Kiara found herself half laughing as Keith chuckled. Both teens were relieved to hear their friend's voice. "You made it." The Red Paladin says. Ebony flew back towards them squawking. Kiara smirks up at the dragon as it flew next to them. Ebony cried out with happiness.

*It takes more than a glowing alien wound, a fall from the upper atmosphere, and crashing into a hard pan surface, at what I'm guessing is about 25 meters per second square , to get rid of me. How are you two?

Keith led the way jumping down the side of the clif first using his jetpack to pereil himself from rock to rock. Kiara follows him."Not good. Our Lions are busted." Keith grasped Kiara's arm as she stumbled as her jetpack cut out as she landed . "Thanks," she said. Keith nods and jumps to the next rock with Ariana . "Wait. What wound?" Keith asked him. Ebony waited at the bottom. As the two joined him.

*It's nothing.* Shiro tells them. Kiara shook her head. "Shiro that wound is not nothing." Kiara scolds him. Keith looked over at her. "What wound?" Kiara sighed. "It happened when we went to get Black back. Haggar attacked the two of us," she explained as Shiro let out a groan.

"Hold on Shiro. We're coming." Keith said to him. He looked over to his friend who showed no sign of moving. "Kia, come on. Shiro's in trouble." Kiara says a bit irritated. "I know. But we can't just keep running blindly," she states. "So what? You have a plan?" Keith asked. Ebony perched on her shoulder. "Yes. Look trust me. This will work."

"What are you planning on doing?" Keith asked her. Pulling out an object. Keith raised an eyebrow. Ebony sniffed it. "Terror's are known for being able to track things. I found this lying around on the training deck awhile ago. It should have Shiro's scent on it." Ebony squawked flapping his wings.

Slipping the object away. "Go. Find Shiro," she tells the dragon. Ebony took off. A groan comes from the other end. *On second thought you two might want to hurry.* Shiro tells them. Nodding they raced off in the direction Ebony went.

~With Pidge~

Pidge had left the Green Lion and was hoping from one debris heap to next. Using the Zero Gravity peril herself. Grabbing she stood on it as she surveyed her surroundings.

Her eyes catch multiple pairs of blue eyes watching. She yelps and let's go spinning in one place. Pidge managed to stop and points her bayard ahead of her. "Who's there?" she asked trying not to act scared. More eyes appeared as she watched the entrance.

Yet as the creatures appeared it wasn't glowing eyes but whisker like things on their faces. They flew or floated over to Pidge. "Hmm. Aw! Hey, little guys!" she lowers her weapon. "Aw, you guys are so cute. To cute to be found in a dumb like this. Are you guys the only ones living here?" she asked them. More began to appear.

"I hope my rough landing didn't disturb your day. I'll only be here for a short amount of time. I'm waiting for my friends to find me. We were separated during a wormhole jump." Pidge explains to them. A group bumped into each other creating a line.

"Yeah friends!" Pidge said then looked out into space with the smile gone. "I hope they find me soon."

~With Allura, Coran & Mice~

The group of two Alteans and nice were still stuck in the wormhole and going through the void. The time vacuum was still in effect and now Coran was even younger. "Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is taking us. This is boring." A teenage Coran said clearly bored.

"Coran, please! I don't need any of your attitude right now." Allura said whipping the slim from the snails off her. So far they went from mice, to squirrels, to cows now snails.

"You don't understand me at all! You have no idea what I'm going through!" Coran shouted at her acting like a dramatic teenager. "I'll be in my control area. Humph."

Allura went back to what she was doing. Typing away on the two screens. Trying to get the Castle to respond in some way. "I can't manually enter coordinates."

Eyes wide, "but the Castle will automatically lock on the lions' whereabouts. If we can locate them." Dismissing The hologram screens. Allura activates the map she used last time to find the lions appear.

Yet there was nothing there either. "It's not working! I'm unable to hone in on their location." Then suddenly loud music began to play and the hologram once more vanished.

"Coran, turn that down! Our lives are at stake!" Allura shouted over the music. "I can only express myself through music!" Coran explains to her. Allura was just irritated with him. She was trying to get out of the wormhole and he wasn't helping.

"Coran, if you don't turn that down, I swear I'll turn this Castle around and-" "and what? We're just gonna run into this void that's coming up here."

As the Castle hit the void. "I hate everybody!" Coran shouted as they entered it once more.

Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is taking us. Whatever that means." Coran was now a child.

"We've tried everything and nothing worked." The nice walked by as four head animals. "A few more ticks down this wormhole and you're going to disappear. We must find a way out." Allura pulls up the two hologram screens.

"Blast your way out! Duh!" Child Coran said they started running around making airplane noises. He climbed onto the creature. "The Castle's defenses might have enough firepower to destroy the tunnel."

"Yeah! And  it'll go key-phooey!"

Allura fires at the rift. Once, twice. "It's not working! It's like we're shooting at ourselves."

Coran blew a raspberry. "Where's Voltron?"

Again they entered the never ending void.

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