(Season 1) Chapter 25

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Everyone gathered around the fire. Rolo was talking about his experience with the Galra. How he was taken prisoner after his planet was whipped out by the Galra. Kiara pushed while Hunk pulled the supplies.

"Well let's hope there are some parts in here that'll fit." Hunk said as he and Kiara pushed it to a stop. Kiara backed up flexing her right hand with light hiss. "Hope so, it's heavier than I thought." She added walking towards the others and sat down and using the fire as a light source she held her wrapped hand out and started to remove it.

Keith looked down at her. "Is your hand ok?" He asked with concern she pulled the last of it off. Light purple lines ran all around with star-like burns in the center. His eyes widened in shock. "How did.." "-When Sendak grabbed me. I use the ring I was wearing to burn him." she explained.

Then wrapped it back up. Kiara looks up to see him looking at her with concern. "I want to see it later." She half glared back at him. "I can treat it myself." She growed lower casting eyes around the other who were watching. "What?" She asked, narrowed her eyes at them.

"So, what can you tell us about Zarkon's forces? Where are they concentrated?" Allura asked directing the attention off Kiara who sat crossed arm and her eyes casting warry looks.  Rolo compiled and told them.

"Well his command ship sits right in the center of the Empire. He mostly calls the shots from there, and has his minions do the work, depending on who's the closet. This is the territory of a real nasty bugger named Sendak." Kiara felt herself tense a bit. 'No, way we just took him down.' 

"Oh, we met." Keith said.

"How far are we from the center?" asked Shiro.

"We are way out on the fringes." Rolo said.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I think you guys are kind of keeping Rolo from working." Hunk said, walking up. "It's just that we're in a hurry. A hero named Shay saved my life, and I swore I would do the same for her and her people. You understand." Hunk said.

"He's has a point, we should get a move on." Kiara jumped to the Yellow Paladin's defense. "We should get these parts to your ship and leave." She stood up and walked to stand next to Hunk.

"Sure. Sorry." Rolo said, standing up. Kiara moved a few steps back her eyes never left him. Rolo put his hand on Hunk. Then walked to the box. "Hunk, we're going to get going soon, but I think Rolo might have some information that could be helpful to us." Shiro said.

"I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him.We ought to leave him with parts and just "Addio, amigo" Hunk said. "I'm with Hunk on this one something feels off." Kiara said shifting her eyes to look at him. "Sorry, bud, do you think you could hunt down a length of thermal pipe about yay long?" Rolo asked Hunk. "On the way." Hunk groans.

As Hunk walked off. Kiara looked at Rolo. He must realize Hunk not trusting him like the others. Kiara leaned back on her heels. This guy was smart. She could tell, not just tech but crafty.

'Why is it so quiet?' She let her eyes travel around and counted everyone she saw.

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"--only folks who haven't been colonized yet, or the lucky few, like us, who managed to escape somehow." Kiara managed to catch the last bit of info he gave. "Well, we're going to change all that." Keith said. "That's good to hear, but I've got to warn you, it's pretty bad out there. You don't know what you're up against." Rolo told them.

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As that was going on. Lance was still trying to hit on Nyma. Which was working. Because any woman who gave him the time of day he would keep flirting with them. "I mean, there are only five of us in the entire universe, so I guess you could say it's kind of a big deal." Lance said bragging about him being a paladin.

"I don't understand. The lions are ships? Are they like, flying statues that you ride on?" nyma said confused on what Lance was saying. "No, no, no. They're magic, but also super scientific and advanced. And they fly crazzy fast and have all these incredible weapons. Really, the entire Castle is just insane. I wish you could see it."

"Yes, it's too bad we're not allowed inside. I would love a tour from one of the knights. But I guess the big one is in charge, huh? You have to obey his orders?" Nyma said, looking at Hunk. "Who, Hunk?" He scoffs. "I don't listen to him!" He pulls her and they are off to the Castle.

"This place is incredible." She says looking at the bridge. "Yeah, I guess. You get used to it." Lance said. "But, it's so gigantic. It must take you forever to get your lion." Nyma said. "Ooh, you'd be surprised."

Just like that using the zip line they took off to the Blue lion hanger. Lance blushed as she held him. As they entered the cockpit. The Blue Lion lit up. "Pretty slick right?" Lance asked her. "Unbelievable! Take me on a ride around the moon?"

Outside, Hunk watched as the Blue Lion took off. "Oh Lance," he says. "Ah, let them have their fun. Thanks to you, this thing is just about ready, so we're going to be on our way soon. Too many light years on that guy, I guess."Rolo said then he went back to work. "Yeah."

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