(Season 2) Chapter 5

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~With Allura, Coran & Mice~

"Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this worm goes." 5 year old Coran said. His stomach growled. "I'm hungry," he whined.

"Coran no! That is not a toy." Allura ran over grabbing him before he broke the control panel. "You're going to break the Castle and everything will stop! Wait a second."

Looking over at the control panel. She leaned in holding Coran who was still throwing a fit away from the panel. "Perhaps we can simply stop the Castle from moving."

"No! Mine!" Coran  grabs her hair while she was trying to stop the Castle from moving. Allura shakes him off. But he bites her arm. Pressing the button to shut down the Castle. 

"I've shut down all the power. Why are we still moving towards the void?" Allura asked.

"My control panel." Coran whined.

As they exited the void. Allura now was holding a baby Coran. "I know. I know. Who wants to check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is taking us? You do. You do," she  said calming him down.

"We have to get out of this loop before the only thing left is your mustache." Allura said. Then Coran spit the binky from his mouth. "Poopies." Earning a groan from Allura.

~Keith, Kiara & Ebony~

As they landed Ebony cried out. Kiara five creatures circling Shiro. Closing in. Kiara quickly looked around.

"Keith, get to Black." Kiara told him as she grabbed a rock nearby. "What?!" Keith looks at her, with a questionable look.

"Ebony fly down and draw their attention. Protect Shiro!" Ebony shot off. "Hold on," he said grasping her arm before she ran off. "I can't fly Black, and what are you doing?"

Kiara looked over at him tossing the rock in her hand. "Saving our only father figure we got. Get to Black. Trust me. Trust yourself," she  yanks her arm free.

  Kiara took off down the hill using her jetpack. 'Be careful.' He thought and quickly made his way to Black. A loud roar made him turn as three of the creatures broke off and ran towards her.

  Kiara dashed off. "Hey uglys over here!" she said, Ebony land in front of Shiro shootings fiery blast at the creatures. "Come on Keith. Hurry." One lunged at her summoning her two swords as one leapt.

Keith turns to the Black Lion. "I know I am not Shiro, he's in trouble. We need your help to save him." He placed his hand Black's nose.

Kiara swung one of her swords slash two of the creatures. Ebony shot more blast dive bombing as Shiro dodge the creatures. Ebony roar rang out.

Turning her eyes widened as one arm of purple creatures knocked Shiro down. Ebony lands wings out trying to shield him. A roar from behind made her turn in time to be swept off her feet.

With a grunt, she lands on her back one of the leaps summoning her second sword she thrust her two blades up blocking it. The creature pushes back. Kiara grits her teeth watching the others circling. 'Keith. Black where are you? Man, it stinks,' She thought.

   Shiro activates his arm while Ebony arches his back charging up ready to fire. "Shiro!" Kiara yells out right as one leaps Ebony spun around. Before it could attack the Black Lion leapt in pinning the creature down.

"GET AWAY FORM MY PALADIN!" Black roared earning a smile as she trusted up with her swords and kicked the creature off her.

Kiara watched as Keith and Black rounded on the next few. Scaring them off. Kiara raced to Shiro and Ebony, as the creatures turned and fled. Kneeling next to a shock Shiro her eyes narrowed as one stood there. Gripping the swords putting one in front of Shiro just in case it leapt.

Then the Black Lion's tail swung over them. "DON'T TOUCH THEM!" Kiara smiled as the Lion stood protectively over the three of them. Black's roar sent the last one running.

  Ebony roared after earning a laugh as he tried to act tough. Kiara turned to Black as he lowered his head. "Nice timing you two." Kiara said as Black opened his mouth.

Keith got up as they entered. "Shiro are okay?" He asked as the Black Paladin stood in front of him. Shiro chuckled, "I am thankful to you all," he looks over each team member.

"Let's get to our Lions. Maybe with everyone one up and running we can contact the others." Kiara suggested. With Shiro taking the seat they took off back to Red and Lunar.

~With Pidge~

Pidge had finished putting the last few pieces of the satellite together and was attaching the main part together. As the satellite clicked into place with small colorful creatures on it. They flew down after Pidge.

Pidge grabs the last two wires plugging them in. Then the light on the panel turned on. "That ought to do it," she said she was pleased with her handy work.

"Now let's see if we can get a hold of the Castle." As the satellite began to charge up with the new energy. Yet it didn't last long enough and died.

"No, no! What's wrong? I need to get out of here! I need to find my friends! Come on!" Pidge shouts in frustration. Just then Green let out a roar causing the satellite to reboot and shoot a beam into the sky.

"Thanks. Now let's see if this thing works." Pidge said to her lion.

Once back in She pressing a button on her dashboard. "I hope the signal is strong enough to reach the Castle."

~With Allura, Coran & Mice~

They were still stuck in the Rift. Warning of the oncoming void beeped in the screen. Allura was still holding baby Coran as she watched. "Coran, what do we do? If we hit the end of the tunnel again you'll cease to exist." Coran whined.

Allura looks at the void coming up. "I'm sorry. You were like a second father to me." Allura hugs him close. Just then Castle locked into a signal.

"Coran, look! The Castle has locked onto a coordinate. Come on. Come on!" Allura tries to reroute their location as they hit the void once more.

As the wormhole opens the Castle is shot through into space heading to the Green Lion. "We made it!" Sound of snoring made Coran look to Coran.

Coran stops looking at Allura. "Mom?" Allura drops him on the ground.

As Pidge's screen pulls up. "You saved us Pidge. We were stuck in a time loop." Allura said. "You got us out with a giant trash pile." Coran adds.

*It's a makeshift communications link that's sending out the Green Lion's energy. It's similar to the energy that guided the Blue Lion home.*

"Pidge your a genius!"

"I know. Besides, it wasn't just me. They helped." Pidge gloats as she looked over at the small colorful creatures near her lion.


"Let's go get the rest of the paladins."

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