(Season 1) Chapter 42

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Kiara walked through the trees. The strange aura pull was back and stronger. Kalos had her hands tied together as she led them. 'Forgive me.' She thought. Her gaze traveled above to see eyes watching her once more seriously picking off the animal watching her. "Keep moving half breed." She glared at him as they went deeper into the forest.

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Ura stood next to Kylo and Nila as they faced the chef and the others. "Father.. Please, Ura had nothing to do with this." He begged. "I know, but you're letting Galra live feet from our home son. Do you know what kind of danger that brings?" He asked him. "Kylo owes Ura his life and we owe not just her, but that other girl our lives. She gave up her freedom to save us." Nila said. "So what should we do?"

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Kiara came to a stop causing the others to do the same. "Why you stop?" Kalos asked her. Kiara could feel the energy pulling her to enter the ivy. 'If they all go.. Then I'm screwed, but maybe...' "Ahead is thick and only has room for three people to go through. Because you need me to open the doorrrr I have to go so leave two places left." She told him. 'Come one buy it.' She begged waiting for him to do something. "Alright." She smirked.

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"Nila are you keeping up?" Kylo asked his friend as they raced through the forest. Thanks to Ura heading to the small makeshift village for the refugees to rally them to help. He and Nila were going to get Kiara back. "Yeah.. We have to hurry I don't think she'll make it out of this without help." Nila spoke up. Nodding they quicken their pace.

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Ura managed to make it to her village. "Ura, your back." A light grayish-purple Galra woman said greeting her. "Lorka it's good to see you too.. But this isn't the time to chat. Kylo and his village are in trouble." Ura explained as ten more Galra walked up. Three young kids poked their heads out of their rocky home.

"Why should we help them? We're Galra would they let us?" Asked a battle scarred dark purple skin Galra. "They will.. They must Kaliv." She gazed around looking at the others. "We can't just live in fear we must fight back this our home too." Ura added. "I'm with you.. The Empire has done enough harm we need to fight back. Even if it's as small of a problem as this." a gray-blue Galra said. "Thank you all." Ura said as more rallied with her.

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Kiara gave a light smirk as she walked ahead of the two soldiers. "Man he such a fool." She said as she managed to cut her blinding free. "I think this as far as you two go." She quickly rounded on them. She managed a fist and swung punching the two sending them crashing backwards.

"I'm not letting you get your Galra hands on this Lion." She said as they aimed and fired she gasped as she stumbled and fell sharp pain in her hands as the thorns jagged her. One of the guns fired right at her. Kiara gassed and put her arm up. A black blur shot in front of her. Loud *KABAM! Rang out. Coughing she waved it away. Sharp pain washed over her as the cloud cleared.

A small black cat—size dragon laid out unmoving chest heaving. Both Galra soldiers headless and down. "No away." She gasped and heard more footsteps. Two more rushed in. "Damn IT!" Kiara lunged grabbing the injured animal and raced off to her left sound of gun fire followed after her. The thorns tore at her clothes and exposed skin as she ran through them.

As they got thicker she felt herself fall curving to her left and she landed on her side. A nettle like pain rang out as something slashed her check. Groaning as she sat up. The dragon was under her arm. Her head whipped around and her eyes widened in shock. Covered in the thorny ivy with yellow glowing eyes was. "It's... you." Kiara breathed as she stood up with shaky legs.

A purple laser flew past her head. "Oh no." she gasped pulling the small animal to her chest. "I- I can't let them find you." Then taking off running back the way she came she took a sharp left and kept going.

"Traitor!" Kalos's voice rang out as he followed his soldiers. Kiara glanced behind as they came closer firing each one was getting closer. "I was never going to let you have her!" She yelled back as the light grew bright. Kiara broke through the forest. With a yelp she dug her heels into stopping.

Rocks crumbled away as she stood at the edge of a sheer cliff. Gulping she turned as Kalos and his soldiers blocked her only away back. "Nowhere to run."

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"They, what!" Ura shouted as the refugees stood behind her. The chief nodded. "They went to rescue that young alien girl." Ura growled clearly mad. "I'm going after them. "Kaliv your in charge of the group until I came back." Ura told the Glara next to her. "Yes mama." He said.

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Kiara was trapped by the small animal in her arms preventing her from properly fighting back. 'Nice idea Kiara. Act like a hero only to die moments later.' she scolded herself as she shifted her feet back. "Now.. we can do this two ways. You came over here and took us to what you found.. Or you can die here and we'll just find ourselves. Either way you won't get away without a scratch." Kalos said. The soldiers kept their guns pointed at her.

'What would the others do?' She thought as she ran through her options. 'Ok..Hunk would give in for sure. Pidge would by herself time. Shiro would fight. Keith would fight first then ask questions. Lance?' She brushed the thoughts away. "Now be a good half breed and come here. Don't you want to see your friends?" he offered light bitterness to his tone.

Kiara knew if she gave up she would be taken prisoner and trade for Voltron and the White Lion lost along with the others. She took another warry step backwards. 'Someone help me.' She shut her eyes and feared running through her. A sense of warmth made her snap them open. "I WON'T!" she yelled one of them fired at her. She let out a scream as she staggered back and her eyes went wide as nothing but air met her.

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The Yellow eyes flashed. The Light blue barrier fell as the Lion rose its paws. It let out a loud roar and then shot into the sky kicking off it flew off at top speed.

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