(Season 1) Chapter 49

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They flew to the hub in the Green Lion. "We'll go in low, fast and hopefully undetected. Coming around the dark side of the nearest planet should keep them from getting a visual on us." Shiro explains while Pidge activities the cloaking device she built into her lion. "Thanks to Pidge's modifications to the Green lion, we'll have 30 seconds of cloaking." Shiro explains to them.

"I can flood their short-range sensors with a radiation burst. That should buy you a minute or so, while they assume it's cosmic interference. But after that, it's up to you to be out of sight."Coran explains to them as they touch down on the planet still turning off the invisible cloak.

Carefully the snuck into the control room. They stayed back and watched Shiro sneak up on one of the guards. The guard yawned as he waited for the interference to clear. "Pst. Hey." Shiro said getting the guard to turn around.


Shiro then punched him knocking him back down. The other two guards turned around to see all six paladins standing there. Lance and Hunk rushed in taking them down quickly.

Once they were taken down. Everyone went into action. Shiro placed Lance, Keith and Kiara on look out. On the second floor. Hunk, Pidge, Allura and Shiro were hacking into the computer using Shiro's arm.

Kiara walked along the side of the ship. The black dragon flew back in as she stopped. The feathered terror landed on her shoulders curing the claw in to keep from cutting through the suit. It squawked.

-"How's it look out there?" Shiro asked them.

-"All clear here." Keith reports back.

"Same." Kiara adds.

Soon Hunk managed to get the computer working. "This shouldn't take too long." He says he is leaving his post. "We'll have all the information we need in a few minutes. Hunk and I have made some improvements since the last time I tried to download Galra info." Pidge expalns to them.

Kiara kept her gaze fixed to the door they came in. "Take a quick look again Ebony." she whispered to the dragon. The Terror took off and out of sight. Leaving the door she walked closer to the others casting her eyes back making sure nothing was amiss.

"-We should get a nice clean translation immediately. Hunk had a great idea about how to do it." Kiara got closer to hear the last bit of what Pidgewas saying.

"Yeah, yeah. Do you guys remember we studied algorithms at the Garrison, and Mr. York told us that joke about the ghost learning symbolic logic and innumerable infinite sets?" Hunk asked them.

"Boring." Lance said.

"Right, yeah, totally boring. Anyway, the joke goes--" Lance gorans in response. Ebony flew back in quickly and landed back on Ariana houlder. As her eyes narrow a huge shadow passes over them. "Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt, but I think we got company." Keith says as everyone ducks down.As the Galra ship lands everyone gathered around Pidge.

"Think we should get out of here?" Kiara said to them.

"We just need a few more seconds." Pidge told them.

"Stay low. We need this intel." Shiro tells the. Then beeping came from the screen. "Get down." Keith hisses and everyone ducks away from the screen. A Galra guard appears on the screen.

The moment dragged on. "He's still looking. I think he's waiting for a signal of something." Lance whispers. "Then do something." Kiara hissed back. "I got it." Hunk says grabbing one of the down guard and puts him to the screen. Waving his hand signalling to the other ship. 'Hope this works.' Kiara prays.

Once the screen vanished. Hunk let out a breath and drops the guard. He breathes sigh of relief. "Nice job Hunk." Lance high hives the arm. Kiara stands back up. "Thanks." Hunk says.

"Okay. Download complete." Pidge said as they gathered around her again. "What does it say?" Kiara asked her. "Nothing. This place doesn't have any useful information. Just a schedule of the ships coming in and out." The Green Paladin explains to them sitting back.

"Well, I guess this mission was a bust." Lance says with disappointment because nothing interesting was going to happen. "Let's get back to the Castle." Shiro tells them. "Hold on. Pidge do you know where that is heading?" Allura asked the Green Paladin.

Pidge went back to ehr screen looking at the ship's information. "Um, it's scheduled to be here for a half hour, then head off to Central Command." Pidge explains. "What are you thinking?" Kiara asked Allura looking at her a bit curious about what the Altean was thinking.

"That's where they have the information we need and I am going to sneak aboard that ship and get it for us." Allura said.

"What now way!" Lance exclaims looking over to Allura. "How are you going to get in?" Keith her. Everyone was giving the princess shocked and worried looks. "I'm going to walk right through the front." Allura removed her helmet. Then they watched as Allura's skin began to change. She grew taller as she changed her skin tone to purple.

Kiara's eyes were wide in shock along with everyone else who were watching. Soon she like towered over everyone. "How the heck did you do that?" Hunk asked her.

"Alteans are chameleon-like people who can blend in with the local populations. It's the ability that's made us great explorers and diplomats throughout our history." Allura explains to them.

"So, can you turn it into, like a balloon?"

"How many different colors can you do at once?"

"An't you afraid to rip your pants?"

Kiara rolled her eyes at the three friends. Only they would ask questions like that. As for Allura she answered them. "No, just one at a time, and I will need a change of costume." Her eyes traveled to the guard on the ground. "I can use his uniform as a disguise." Allura says.

"I can't let you go in there alone." Shiro tells her. "Excuse me? I do not need your permission." Allura tells him clearly defined by what he said. Everyone glares at him. "It's too dangerous. I'm going with you." Shiro walks up to her.

"You're going to stick out like a Choferiak's nose."Allura tells him. "You're going to need that nose princess." Pidge picks up Shiro arm holding it up. "Shiro's hand is made of Galra tech. It's the only thing we have that will allow us to interface with their systems and gather intel." Pidge tell her. "I can monitor the download remotely from here."

Kiara looked at everyone before walking up. "Me and Ebony are coming too. You'll need extra pair eyes watching your backs." Kiara tells them. Shiro looked at her and she crossed her arm.

"You're not talking me out of it." Kiara ads. Allura sighs. "Fine. You guys can come." She says giving in.

"Uh, you guys better hurry up if you want to get on and off before the ship leaves for Zarkon central." Hunk tells them as they begin to leave. "How are you going to get Shiro and Kiara onboard?" Keith asked them causing the group to stop. They exchanged looks among themselves. "I might have an idea." Pidge said.

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