(Season 1) Chapter 57

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Kiara gripped her swords. As Hangar taunted him. "I made you strong and this how you repay me?" She asked him. Shiro attacks only to be sent flying. "You could have been our greatest weapon." She adds turning to face him.

Kiara stepped up. "Humans are not weapons leave him be." Kiara shouted only to have Haggar laugh. "You. You have so much power hidden with you. How about you show me." Kiara narrows her eyes.

Haggar lifts her hand and fired. Kiara acting quickly she shoves Shiro, causing him to dodge it. Kiara straggled but quickly shook it off. Shiro stares in shock. "Are you okay?" Kiara just smirks. "Let's do this together." Then they rushed in.

Kiara watched the time she was fired. Her target was Shiro gripping the swords she must protect her friend. As they drew closer the witch was engulfed in smoke. Then two hands shot up grabbing them by their necks.

As it cleared Kiara stared shocked to see. Haggar as evil Shiro. "Now, I'll destroy you two."

Kiara and Shiro were thrown into darkness. Ariana sat up and scrambled bank as Shiro looked at the glowing eyes.

-line break-

Kiara and Shiro lunged striking blindly as they targets. Kiara stopped as she drew her swords back. 'This is not working.' She looked to see another one caning at her. Kiara ready her weapon. She lost track of Shiro.

"Come show me your power." Haggar taunted her. "SHUT UP! I don't know what you MEAN!?" Kiara shouted and strikes out again only to have her vanish.

Kiara looks around wildly. "SHOW YOURSELF!" Kiara demands. The clones and the real find from her sight. Then bright light from behind. Kiara spun around and another light light blocked it.

A sharp cry rang out. "Shiro!" Kiara yelled as she saw him land on the ground feet from her.  The illusion is gone. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the witch down.

Kiara got up and ran to Shiro, kneeling down. She Grabbed his arm. He groaned as she saw the wound. Anger flashed in her eyes. Slowly standing Ariana held out her sword as Haggar faced them. Once more Kiara eyes were fully glowing as she stared Haggar down. She wasn't going to let her near Shiro.

-line break-

Haggar raised her hand and fired at them. Kiara's hand went out in front of them. Shiro watched in shock as the blast hit and a blue barrier reflected it as it vanished. He looked to the White Paladin eyes wide in awe. Then warmth as Kiara's hand touched his side. 'What is this?' He thought.

By now Hunk, Allura and Ebony appeared seeing the scene before them. "Which is the real one?" Hunk asked scanning through them.

"Hunk, there! Fire!" Allura says. As she points out the only one casting a shadow. Kiara put her hand up once more ready to protect as Haggar grew closer to them. Kiara didn't know what she was doing. Her instinct had killed in. Hunk fired causing Haggar to defend herself.

As Shiro broke away from Ariana as he tried to tackle Haggar, but only to miss. "We have to get out of here." Allura says. Ebony lands on Kiara's shoulders as her eyes shift to normal staggering she gasping quickly shook off the wariness. "Where's the scary lady?" Hunk asked.

"Hunk!" Kiara snaps to him.

"Oh right." He says, Everyone raced off back to the Yellow Lion. "Hunk get Allura back to Castle." Kiara told Hunk as they reached Yellow.

"What? What are you going to do?" Hunk asked them. Kiara looked to Shiro. "I'm going to get Shiro to Black. Hurry we can't waste anymore time." Kiara and Shiro to follow her.

Quickly they rushed to the closest exit. A roar made her leap back as a lion broke through the wall again. Shiro stared in shock. Lunar lowered her head. "We must hurry." Kiara nods. "Come on let's get to Black."

As Lunar landed next to Black. Shiro hurried out of Lunar to his lion. "Kit.. Red is down and in trouble. Zarkon." Lunar told Kiara as the Black Lion rose. Panic took control as she radioed to Shiro. "Shiro, Keith in trouble."

*What?!* He exclaims. "Lance, guys.. Where's Keith?" Kiara asked the others as Lunar and Black shot up like rockets.

*We tried to stop him. He went after Zarkon.* Lance told her. *He turned off his intercom too.* Pidge adds.

Kiara shot off. "Shiro you get Zarkon. I'll grab Red." She told him as she spotted the Red Lion and Zarkon ahead.

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