(Season 1) Chapter 23

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Yawning, Kiara made her way through the hall. Even though she had crashed the moment her head hit the pillow, she was still tired. As Ariana approached the infirmary she spotted.. "Morning Shiro." she greeted the Black Paladin standing at the door.

Shiro turned to face her as she walked up. "Morning Kiara, slept well," He asked her. "Yeah, but still tried." Kiara replied as the others walked up. Giving her confused or weird stares. 'Crap' she forgot about that. Since she destroyed the ring to help her friends, Kiara was no longer was hiding her light grayish skin or her natural eyes from them... From the whole universe.

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    "Looks like we're not the only ones up early today." Allura said noticing the group standing at the door. Kiara caught her cryan eyes before noticing Hunk, Pidge and Coran staring at her. Guess seeing her natural skin tone was shocking.

"C-Can we go in now." Ariana asked turning away from the shocked looks she was getting clearly embraced.

   "Of course. Now that  we are here let's go." Allura said, leading them into the room. Pidge, Hunk, Shiro and Coran walked in first. "Hey.... Uhhh, Keith.." Kiara looked to her right at the Red Paladin. Gaining his attention as they followed the others.

    "Thanks for yesterday and the days before that. I'm sorry if I worried you or.. caused you trouble... or...." she started to say, only to have Keith cut her off. "I'm going to stop you there." he interrupted her. "Huh?"Keith ran his hand over his hair. Then sighed. "Because you're just going to ramble on. Look I'm just glad you weren't.. Well.." Kiara rolled her eyes. "I, know. You're just glad I wasn't seriously injured like Lance was." She said tom lightly.

He nodded, "yeah." A slight blush crept on his face.

  "Well come on let's see if Lance is up." she said and led the way into the room. 'What's up with him?'

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     They all gathered around Lance's pod. He was still asleep. "I can't tell if he looks healthy or not." Hunk said. "I think he's breathing weird." added Pidge. Allura, Pidge, Hunk, Keith, Kiara were closest to the pod with Shiro looking over Hunk's shoulder

   "Allura how long does this take usually. I know you said a day, but." Kiara looked up at the Blue Paladin. "It feels a lot longer than that." she said. "Hmm, I guess it depends on how injured the person it is healing is." Allura replied. Kiara noted that away for next time.

"Oh, come on!" Keith said only to have Allura to push his arm back. Kiara rolled her eyes. "Keith, be patient." she scolded him from his other side. Her right bandage hand resting on his shoulder. "She's right, not yet. A few more ticks." Allura said. "How much better do you think he's going to get in a few more ticks?" Keith asked her only to cross his arms and well scowl.

"I'm sure it won't be long. But it does seem to be taking a long time." Kiara said leaning over Keith staring in. "Allura how much longer?" she asked knitting her eyebrows. "I like I said a few more ticks." she added. Kiara stood  back up and huffed and minced Keith's look. 'A tick, a flippin bloody tick.' she thought. 'I could be to mars and back before he would wake.' she thought.

"And what exactly is a tick?" Pidge asked her hands on the glass.

"You know, a time slice." Allura tried to explain

"Like a second?" Shiro asked

"What is a second?" Allura asked.

Pidge pulled out hurt timer or whatever it was and held it up. "Like this." she said showing Allura. The timer started ticking. "I'm not sure. I think ticks are bigger. Coran do you have a ticker?" Allura asked him. He was monitoring Lance with a computer. "Right here, princess." he turned around holding up a ticker.

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