(Season 1) Chapter 54

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Kiara lunged at the level four gladiator. As it swung at her she brought her two swords up blocking the strike. She planted her feet as it tried to push her back. Her eyes were blazing. She gave a grunt and shoved hard sending it reeling, lunged and screamed. Kiara felt the frustration and anger being released as striked the sword one after another. "Why? Why? Why?"She crossed her swords in an X as the gladiator striked.

'Why do I feel so frustrated?' She shoved again and then ran. The gladiator followed suit and a huge shock wave rang out as the two clashed. 'Was it because I failed?' She thought she broke her body around her left arm. Right arm. She stroked the robot. 'Guilt.' Kiara thought just then she yelped as the gladiator thrusted its sword up and then down she staggered as it disarming her.

Then it raised its leg and kicked her. Kiara flew back and yelled as she hit the other side of the deck. She slid down the wall as the gladiator changed right for her. Kiara's blue eye widened and fully glowed pale blue as it drew closer she screamed and threw her arm up in a slash. But nothing, there was no pain opened her eyes. She widened in shock as something shimmered and broke. The sword inches from her face.

The gladiator wasn't done yet. Kiara watched as it changed the swords position. She looked to see it swing at her. Quickly she ducks through it's legs and lunged for the closest sword. The gladiator brought it down to strike. She spun around and striked. Breathing heavily as she stood up. Taking deep breaths. Kiara held up her right trembling right hand. 'What was that?' She thought, staring at her hand as the door opened.

She looks over to see Hunk standing at the door. "Hunk? What.. what are you doing here?" She asked him as she walked over to him other sword then dismissed her bayard. "I was sent to find you.. Are you alright you were staring at your hand?" Kiara laughs. "Yeah, I think so." She says walking to the door. "Who sent you?" She asked him to pick up her helmet from the floor. "Shiro did. We managed to come up with a plan." The Yellow Paladin tells her. Ariana sighs. "Well, come on." Kiara walks out of the room. Hunk led the way back to the bridge. Kiara just stared at her hand it was normal 'then what stopped the sword?' She asked herself.

-line break-

Allura sat in the cell amrs crossed legs to her chest. Ebony coed trying to cheer her up. Kiara had told him to stay with her. Allura looked at the baby dragon as it perched on her shoulder rubbing his head on her face. "Your soft." She said quietly. Ebony cooed.

Allura remembered Ariana explaining the info on the feathered black dragon the allies gave her. Allura removed her hand and stroked him. "You know I'm upset don't you." Ebony rubbed against her. Sound footsteps the dragon took flight and hovered into the shadows watching.

The doors open. Hagger stood there. "Come with me." She told her. As she did Ebony followed keeping above their head quiet as he watched the where they were going.

-line break-

As Kiara and Hunk entered the room everyone was doing something. Shiro was looking over Lance's screen. "I thought you said they had a plan." Kiara said, narrowing her eyes. "Well we're kind running into dead ends." Hunk explains before walking off. Kiara watched as Hunk took his seat and started to run through his screen before him.

Spotting Coran and Shiro she walked over to them. "Coran, Shiro." They turned to see Kiara standing there. "Can I join you two?" She asked them. Shiro nods. Kiara gave a light smile back before looking at Coran. "You know we'll do anything to get Allura back home." Kiara said to Coran. "I know you will. It's just that I've already lost so much. I can't lose Allura either." Coran tells them.

"I know how you feel. I lost everything. My parents are my race. It's hard and when you have someone from your home you want to protect them." Kiara stars up at the screen. "Kiara is right we'll find a way to get her back." Shiro backs her up. "If there was a way to get close to Zarkon's ship unseen,,," Shiro Coran and Kiara stare up at the screen before them. "Wait a tick. I think I've gotten away. " Coran says enlarging the hologram planet.

"Everyone eyes front. We've got a plan to get Allura. We're going to jump to the heart of the enemy unseen and undetected." Shiro says with Coran and Kiara on each side of him. "I thought we needed Allura to open a wormhole." Pidge asked with a puzzled look. "It's true that we need Allura's powers the Castle's ability to travel through wormholes. However, I think we have enough of her power residual essence stored in the system, to make one jump." Then the screen pulls up. "We're hiding the Castle here, inside one of these giant gas planets in Zarkon's command system. The gas is so dense, we'll be hidden." Coran explains.

"From there, we'll use the Castle to scan for Allura on Zarkon's ship and attack before Zarkon knows what hit him." Shiro says to the team. "There's only one hiccup. We have enough energy to wormhole in, but without Allura, we won't have enough energy to wormhole out." Coran explains.

  "It doesn't matter. We're not leaving without her." Kiara states her eyes narrowed but glowed with determination. There was no way she was letting them fail this time. They will get her back and escape with the lions.

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