(Season 1) Chapter 52

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-Attention. Sure matches. All personnel take position for departure.-

Kiara cursed under her breath. As they ran. More soon appeared. Allura fired fired along with Ebony as the soldiers chased after them. "The escape pods are up here." Shiro said leading the way. The alarms were loud and drowned out any sound. "Hurry! We can't leave once the ship goes into hyper-speed."Allura said, removing her helmet. Kiara glared at her.

"There!" Kiara shouted, pointing to the door ahead of them. She picked up her pace. She pulled her head and quickly entered the room with the others on her tail. The Galra were still shooting at them. Shiro quickly closed the door as they ran up. Kiara and Allura stood weapons ready, unsure what would happen.

Kiara's breath hitched as one of the Galra sildermanged to stop the door from closing. Allura lunged forwards. Kiara watched as she began to close the door. Kiara dismissed her bayard and ran to her. "Allura!" Kiara and Shiro ran to help her shut the door. "Ebony.. Fire." Kiara instructs the young dragon.

"No. Get to the pod. It's taking off." Allura told her. "Hell no. I'm not leaving you." Kiara snapped her eyes glowed softly as she pushed. Shiro's hand glowed as he Melded the door along with Ebony's flame from the top. "You have to." Allura says. Kiara shakes her head. "Princess you go I'll stay. We can't lose you." Kiara offered up.

Allura looked at her. "Not happening. You three get back to the others." Then Allura grabbed both of them. Ebony squeaked. "Stay hidden and with her." Kiara said right as she and Shiro  were thrown into the escape pod.

Kiara ran to the door. She watched as Ebony flew into the shadows. "No!" Kiara heard Shiro's cry. Kiara closed her eyes tightly. Clutching her fist. Anger built up. She let Allura throw her. Yet now seeing what was going to happen to her. Kiara then slammed her fist into the wall hard creating huge dent. 'Keep her safe Ebony.' She prayed. "Kit?" Green voice cut in her thoughts she didn't push it away. 'We will get you back. I'll make sure of it.' Kiara's eyes glowed the ring turned her whole eyes pale blue pulsing brightly with determination.

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