(Season 1) Chapter 5

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  "Whoa. That was.." Hunk threw up. Kiara glances over at him. "So, sorry." He said, as they exited the wormhole and now were flying through unknown skies.

"I'm surprised it took this long," Pidge said.  Kiara moves so she could check on Hunk. Once she was sure he was ok, she turned her attention back to the others.

"I don't recognize any of these constellations." Shiro said looking out the window. 'Strange I don't recognize them either.' Kiara thought looking to the space sky before them.

"We must be a long way from Earth." The Blue Lion flew towards the planet ahead of them. "Where are we going?" Kiara asked as the lion flew through the new unfamiliar terrain heading towards a new planet. "I think it's going home." Lance said.

The Lion, quickly hit the planet breaking the Atmosphere. "Guys, personal space. Hunk your breath is killing me." Complain Lance as everyone was pushed up against him. "Sorry dude, just deal with it for now." Kiara said not too happy about the pressure forcing them together.

"Um, is it just me or is anyone else having second thoughts, about flying through a mysterious wormhole?" Hunk asked.

"Also, why are we listening to a robot lion anyways?"asked Hunk. "It got us away from that alien warship didn't it?" Lance asked them.

"He has a point Hunk. I don't want to know what they would end up doing with us." Kiara voiced her little concern she had back there.

"I don't know if you guys noticed, but we're also in an alien warship." Keith said.

"Oh, are you scared?" Lance teased.

"With you at the helm? Terrified." Keith said with a monotone reply.

"All right knock it off. No one's happy to be in this situation, but we're here now. If we want to get through this we've got to work together." Shiro said.

"So what do we do?" Pidge asked. "First we find out where we're heading. Lance?" Shiro directed his attention to the pilot.

"I don't know. I'm sorry. The Lion's not talking to me anymore. Wait! Wait, wait, wait. Shhh."

"Does any hear that?" Kiara asked the group. "It sounds.. high pitch." Keith started. Just then a high pitch sound rang out.

"Come on Lance." Pidge groans.

'Leave it to Lance to fart with everyone here' Kiara thought hand over her nose eyes glaring at the pilot annoyance pricking off her.

"But seriously, there's a castle up ahead." He quickly pointed out.

"Wow." Everyone stared at the huge White Castle with five pedestals. Blue came to a landing in front of the castle.

"Keep your guard up." Shiro warned them. "Something wrong?" Asked Pidge.

"My crew was captured by aliens once. I'm not going to let it happen again." Shiro told them. Everyone shared a bit of uneasy glances.

-line break-

They walked out of the Lion. She was shocked they could breathe just fine here. The Blue rose up. Hunk panicked. "No! I knew it was going to eat us! No!" Blue roared. The door glowed then opened up.

"Oh, the door is open." Hunk poked his head out from behind Shiro. "Guess I was wrong about you." Hunk said to the lion.

With Shiro in the lead they walked into the castle. It was dark with no lights. It was huge, open and dark.


Everyone jumped and looked at Hunk. Kiara relaxed and sighed. Hunk shrugged. "Why, did you do that?" She asked him. "Seeing if anyone is around." He replied. Kiara just rolled her eyes.

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