(Season 1) Chapter 12

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Kiara stood with Paladins. Coran was in the watch center. He cleared his throat testing the sound. *Two, two, one, two.* He said into ear piece. *Ok listen up guys. The Paladin code demands you to put your team members safely above your own.*

"Wait? Why I'm I here again?" Kiara spoke up. *Well I figured it wouldn't hurt letting you practice with the others this once.* Coran said to her. Shiro nodded at her. "You're part of the team after all." He said to her, She had a borrowed shield.

Coran started the exercise. A swarm of drones is about to attack.


*It's up to each of you to do everything you can to protect the other members of your team.* White balls flew at them. Kiara shifted her stance forwards. "Wait, wait, wait,. What's going on?" Hunk asked as he summoned his shield. "Whoa. Did you guys get one of these?" He asked them.

"Hunk, stay focus." Kiara warned him her eyes tracking the floating white drones. "Get ready." Shiro warned them.

Then they started firing. Hunk ducked only to have Pidge knockout as one of the beans hit her. A hole opened and she fell through it. Kiara ducked as one we over her head.

*Protect your teammates or no one will be there to protect you!* Coran shouted at them. Lance went left causing it to miss him but. The beam hit Kiara on her back knocking her out. Then next one hit Hunk knocking him out.

*Time increases intensity.* With that they spun faster causing the black, red and blue Paladins to stand back-to-back.

"You Keeping up over there, Keith?" Lance asked him. "Just concentrate on keeping me safe." Keith snapped back at Lance. "Me?" Lance suffered. "I own this drill. You're the one who needs to concentrate." And just like that as Lance moved his foot the beam knocked out Keith then next was him and last was Shiro. Coran groaned watching them fail.

-line break-

*Next was a maze. To form Voltron, you must trust each other. This ancient paladin maze will teach that trust. Your team can see the walls, but you can not. So, listen carefully. If you touch the walls, you'll get a slight shock.* Warned Coran

Kiara watched. Lance was up first. "Wait. Who's guiding me through?" He asked. *Take two steps forward.* Kiara stares with shock then amusement as she watched the screen. 'This wouldn't end well.'

*Oh, no. Not Keith. Why does he get to be the man on the mic?* Complained Lance. Kiara rolls her eyes, he has to get over it if they want Voltron.

*You sit tight. You'll get your turn.* Coran said to Lance.

*Like I said, take two steps forward and turn right, and take three steps that direction.* Keith repeated.

Lance did only to get shocked and spun and shouted at Keith. *You did that on purpose!* He yelled at the Red Paladin. "You're not listening. I said, "Turn right."-
-*but, but before that I said, take two steps forward.*

*Two steps- Lance growled in my hit a wall again. *Ahh! We're switching places right now* Screamed Lance.

Kiara sighed, shaking her head. "Such a child." She turned and left the room. Leaving the others.

-line break-

The lions were back in the sky flying in formation again with Coran directing them. Kiara stood with him with a skeptical look. She had the right to be. So far they have been failing miserably. "You can't form Voltron, unless each of you has a strong bond with his lion." Coran explains.

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