(Season 1) Chapter 10

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It was early when Kiara woke up. The events last night played through her head. Sighing she got up and dressed quickly. The talk with Shiro and Keith last night got her thinking more on what her role was here. If she wasn't part of Voltron then how or what should she be doing?

Kiara made her way to the bridge. She figured someone had to be awake besides her. "Kiara? You're up early." Turning she looked to see Coran walking up to her. She greeted him with smile and brisk nodded. "Restless night. What about you? Why are you up so early?" She asked the ginger haired Altean.

"Well, how about we let Allura explain to you." as they entered the bridge. "Morning Allura." Kiara said, gaining the princess's attention. Allura turned to her smiling.

"Morning Kiara sleep well?"

Kiara shook her head."No but, why are you and Coran doing up this early? If you don't mind me asking."

Allura motion Kiara over. "Well, me and Coran were up getting the Castle up and running." Kiara watched as Allura pressed a button on the control panel. "We were just going to run a test on the Castle's alarm systems. Would mind help us?" Kiara gives a wide grin.

-line break-

Loud blaring rang through the castle. "*Everyone body up Zarkon's attacking!* Allura's voice rang through the sparks of the castle. Kiara leaned on the wall as she watched the timer Coran had gave her in confusion.

Shiro who was up and dressed dashed out of his room first.

Hunk fell out of his bed with a thud and groaned and made his way out of his room.

"The Castle's about to be destroyed! Go, go, go! We need Voltron now! Hurry! We can't survive much longer!" Allura was playing the part well. This impressed her.

  Keith was next leaping from his bed grabbing his jack and ran from his room.

Pidge was next getting up she ran from her room. Leaving her electronics running.

"You gotta sell it a bit more." Coran said. "Yeah. Good motivation is the key."

Coran cleared his throat. "Oh, no! Allura is dead!"  Kiara and Allura stared at dumbfounded. As they watched Coran's acting skills at play.

"Aw, it's horrible! Her head fell off! Wait? What? Her severed head is trying to speak to me! What is it, Allura's head? What are your final words?" Coran asked kneeling on the ground. The doors open as four Paladins ran and stopped.


"Oh, yes, Princess, I'm listening." He said. "It's over." She said to him,

"I, I know! If only Voltron had been formed... Oh! Time!" He said noticing everyone gathered. Kiara rolled her eyes in amazement at him. A smile on her face as she stops the watch.

"I'm guessing this isn't an actual attack." Shiro said, looking at the group before them. The tension went as quickly as it came.

"And it's a good thing it wasn't because it took you... Coran, Kiara?" 

"Seventy-five degrees. Oh, never mind it's a meat thermometer." He said reading the object in his hand, Kiara raised her eyebrows.

"That's not what mine says. Ditto. About 10 minutes." She shrugged unsure how to read the thing. Causing her to guess.

"However long it was, it was too long. Must always be ready to battle with Zarkon." Allura told them. Everyone looked tired or in Keith defense a bit peeved. Rover just hovered. Kiara didn't blame them.

"Uh, guys, I think we're short a Paladin." Kiara noted. Counting them and only seeing four of them standing before them.

Allura wasn't quite done chewing them out. "Look at you! Only Shiro is in uniform. Keith, Pidge, Hunk where are your bayards? And where is Lance?"

   Kiara half felt bad for them. "Maybe you shouldn't be so hard on them. It's our second day here." She tried to defend them. She could see Shiro giving her a grateful look.

   "Still. I expect more from all of you." Then the doors open and in walks Lance with a cup of who knows and wide awake in with blue pjs on. 'Are those blue lion slippers?' Kiara raised her eyebrows in amusement.

   Yawning, "good morning everyone. What's going on?" If Kiara wasn't annoyed then she was now. She wasn't even a Voltron Paladin but even she wouldn't walk in like that.

   "Coran, Kiara and I have been awake for hours getting the castle back in order. We had to run a test on the alarms and decided to test you as well. Guess which one failed." Allura half shouted at Lance.

  Kiara went to stand next to Pidge and Keith. She didn't say a word but half shot a glare like look at Lance. He was unbelievable.

    Yawning. "You got to sleep for 10,000 years, man. Monday night, I was on Earth. Now I've flown through space, fought some evil alien named Zarkon, eaten goo in some weird castle. That's a lot to process in, uh..... I don't know. What day is it today?" Hunk asked. Everyone had their eyes on him as he rambled.

   "It's the third quintant of the Spicolian moment. Hump day!" Coran explained to them.

    "It's a lot to process." Hunk said slouching again. "He is right. We aren't all used to space or anything about this part of the universe." Kiara came to his defense.

    "You have a point, but you must understand the steaks of our mission." She pulled up another hologram computer screen.

   "Over the last 10,000 years, the Castle picked up distress beacons from the following locations. The grid was up and parts of the blue turned orange. She was shocked by how high tech everything was.

  "So, we have to assume that Zarkon has conquered almost the entire known universe." Kiara felt her body tense a bit. Then forced herself to relax. Even if they went new to this. This was overwhelming to say the least.

    Allura dragged her hand moving the screen to show them their home planet. "Earth is here. An attack on your planet is inevitable."

   Kiara felt her blood run cold. "Oh,
no." She breathed, as the realization was sinking in quickly.

    "Exactly. Our mission is to free all those planets. Coran and I are getting the Castle ready to leave Arus. During that time, you have to learn to form Voltron, so we can bring to fight Zarkon."

   "The princess is right. Let's get to our lions and start training." Shiro said to his team.

   "Wait. But I want to talk to the prisoners, we rescued them from the Galra ship." Pidge spoke up. Reason being wanting info on her family.

    "Negative, Number six. I have you ranked by height, ok?" Coran said as he bent forwards pointing at Pidge. Kiara wasn't the next shortest and wasn't keen on finding out her rank.

  "The prisoners need to remain in the cryo-replenishers until tomorrow." He explained. Kiara looked over to Pidge. "Don't worry right now. You Paladins have to practice." She said as Pidge looked up at her.

   "That's right. Now, get to your lions," Allura said. Kiara watched in shock as doors opened for each Paladin. This was going to be interesting.

"Kiara come here, will you." Allura asked as the Paladins raced to their lion's hangers.


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