(Season 1) Chapter 41

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Kiara just kicked her legs as the two looked at each other not sure where to start. The air sparked with tension.

"So.... why are the Galra here? If you don't mind me asking?" Kiara asked her a bit hesitant.

Ura lean on the cavern's wall. "Well, I'm not sure... my father didn't tell me when he sent me and my elder brother here." Ura admitted as she carefully chose her words.

Ura glanced at Kiara. "Are you sure you are not Galra?" Kiara gulped and looked to her left. "Uh..." She muttered then chewed her lip. "I'm asking because something about you just gives me this feeling." Ura said looking over to the younger alien.

Kiara met her gold eyes. "Well... I am." She finally said earn a shock stare. "I'm only half Galra though." Her blue gaze casted to the ground.

Ura was shocked. This kid was Galra. But she didn't look like the others. It could be because she only has a bit of Galra. "So... you're not here to spy?"

Kiara shot her eyes up and wide. "What! No. No. The Galra shot my ship down! Why would I work with them?" Kiara asked leaping to her feet. "I'm fighting against the Empire not helping that Bloody SHOWPONY!!" Kiara snapped seeing her own bewildered reflectioned back in Ura's eyes.

Then Ura started to laugh. Breaking the tension more. "Well.., I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like what Zarkon is doing. There are a handful who fight against him." Ura explains. "Me, along with a small group just want to live our lives not fighting and enslave people." Ura explained.

   "I guess your brother wasn't happy when you rebelled." Kiara said leaning on the cot her hands in her pockets. Ura nodded. "You could say that. She spared my life." The two looked to see Kylo said as he  enters.

"Yeah. My brother found out and gave me a choice. Fight with him and make dad proud or banishment." Kiara felt a bit of pity for her. "I'm guessing you left?" Ura nodded. "I did and over the next few years after more left. We formed a small group and we are safe from my brother and the other Sandreins." Ura explains.

Kiara wasn't sure what to think after hearing it. Ura looked sad as she told her. Ura didn't have to share it. Kylo was quite as well. Kiara looked between the two adults.

"Maybe.. I can help." Kiara offered up gaining their attention. "Help us? Why? How do you know you are not lying to us?" Kylo asked her, his black eyes narrowed.

Kiara narrows her own. "I don't break promises I make to my friends. You two could have killed me yesterday, but you spared me. With that you have my trust." Kiara looked at the two facing her black and gold eyes on her.

  "What's in it for you?" Ura asked her. At first Kiara didn't know.. but now she understood. She looked between them then gathered before she spoke.

"I'm.. I'm looking for a Lion."

The room went silent. Ura and Kylo stared wide-eyed. "A Lion?" Kiara nods. "Yes, a Lion. White in color with neon V for nose and chest plate. It's roar alone means hope." Kiara explains to them as if she was a vision flash in front of her.

A large white lion behind her light glowing it was leaping. She stood in front of it. Her own body glowed.

Ura steps forwards. "I've seen it." She said glancing at Kylo. "We saw it when running from the Galra. It was huge and a strange aura about it." The Young Galra said as Kiara's eyes sparked. "I think that's what I'm here for."

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