(Season 1) Chapter 55

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The Castle flew through the wormhole. There was no turning back."We're here." Shiro said as he drew closer. "I'm detecting Allura's energy signature. From this distance, the signal's pretty weak, but she's somewhere inside Zarkon's main ship." Coran tells them as everyone gathered around him.

"Give us a starting point." Keith says. "Once we get closer, we'll be able to narrow down the location on where Allura's being held." Coran says. "Okay guys, this is it. Voltron is going to come in fast and without warning. We'll smash our way into Zarkon's ship and grab the princess. Before they know what hit them, we'll have the Princess and be on our way." Shiro explains to them.

"Everyone goes to our lions." Kiara says earning a bit of shocked exertion from Shiro. "What?" she asked him. "You heard her team let's go." Shiro told them. They broke off heading to the hangers. Kiara followed Shiro to Black's hanger.

Once they got closer she hopped out of the black lion's speeder and raced to Lunar. The White Lunar lion was small compared to Black. The Lion was white, silver with neon blue V shaped nose and V on chest. Luanar's claws were gold along with her eyes. The Lion lowered her head.

"Green told us everything." Kiara ran to the cockpit. "I told her to. Now we are going to get your princess back." She took a seat and it jolted up she grabbed the control sticks. The inside light neon light blue. Then along with the Black Lion shot off into the sky.

Kiara watched as the team formed Voltron. "Ready Lunar? This will be the first time Zarkon ever see you?" Kiara asked her lion as they flew after Voltron. Lunar roared, "Ready."

-line break-

"Guys what is that?" Kiara asked as they flew through it. "I don't know I hope we can figure it out from here after we get the princess." Shiro says. "Guys watch out for their going to fire." Pidge warned them.

Voltron shot to the closest ship landing they pushed in. Kiara weaved as she watched Voltron form their sword and cut long the ship. Lunar dodge the next few blast at her. "Come girl let's draw their attention." Kiara said directing Lunar to the next closest ship.

The White Lunar Lion shot towards it. Jolting one of her arms forwards she fired a light beam blast at the ship as they passed over. Loud explosion rang out. Kiara saw one of the ships explode Voltron flew to the next. Kiara flew around and shoved into the remaining one causing all three to collide with each other.

Voltron tokk off. "More trouble ahead,"Lance says. Kiara shot forward. "Let's go guys." she says opening Lunar's mouth she charged up a beam and fired it. As for Voltron they formed the shoulder cannon. Pulling back Voltron fired the cannon taking out the ships. "This feels too easy." Kiara told her Lion as they weaved and followed after Voltron.

"Something is off my paladin be very wary ." Kiara gripped the control sticks. "All right." She said as they drew closer to the main ship.

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