(Season 1) Chapter 17

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Sure, they were all whipped out but yet, they were still up and preparing the castle. "A party?" Kiara asked as she helped Allura and Coran out with getting the Castle ready. "Yep, the King is on board with it. Now we just need to spruce it up." Coran said.

"I'm not sure. I mean opening up the Castle, aren't we letting our guard down too easily?" Kiara asked them not hiding the little bit of concern and uneasiness. "Heavens no, the Arusians are peaceful. Now how about we get you ready?"


Kiara's voice squeaked causing the others to look over to se Allura grabbed her hand. "Come on, it will be fun!" Kiara was dragged from the room. "Allura, come on. Please." the doors open and shut. As the princess dragged her off the everyone staring after with confusion/bewilderment.

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"So.. what do you have in mind?" Kiara asked the princess heading out of the bridge. The two stood alone in Allura's room. "I was hoping you'll let me do you hair." Kiara raised her eyebrow. "My.. hair?" "Please, I never had anyone to do it with in so long." the princess begged her.

Kiara never thought about it before. Sure, she's pulled her hair up before, and leaving bangs framing her face when she works. But, she never really thought about how much girls love to well, dress up and wear make-up. Looking at the princess again. Allura gave her almost puppy dog eyes. She sighed. "Alright." "YES!"-- "but only my hair."

"Why? I'm sure I could find you one of my old dresses to wear." Kiara shook her head. "The paladins are wearing their armor so I don't see a need to wear a fancy dress." She explained as Allura motion her to sit down.

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Allura just finished off tying her hair. "What do you think?" Grabbing the mirror she was shocked to say the least. Her bangs framed her face and a dark violet braid ran down her back. "Amazing." Allura clapped her hands, "I knew you would like it." 'Maybe it's not so bad.'

"Ok, let get you something better to wear." "What's wrong with what I have on?" Kiara whined. "It's too worn down, come on, we don't have much longer, after I am down you can do my hair." Kiara sighed and got up to follow the princess. 'Warn down?' She looked at down at her clothes everything looked dusty and, "I guess new look won't hurt." She muttered.

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Night quickly fell by the time their guest came. Everyone was gathered in one place. The King was talking now telling the story. "The monster fell from the sky! It was an epic battle, but Voltron was Victorious." The Arusians who were acting out the play in front of everyone. One side knocked down the other.  "No. I said Voltron was victorious!" the side that was knocked down got up and knocked the others down. The Arusians cheered.

Kiara crept into the room. Why in all things possible she let Allura talk her into this, of all the things to wear. Allura made a deal with her. She wears the dress for the party and she can have her clothes back after and won't have to wear one again. "At least she let me keep my boots and gloves." she walked farther in keeping well back and tuned to what was being said.

Allura walked up to the king. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for that wonderful production." Allura said the the king trying to be nice. Kiara was sure she was a bit weird out by it. Allura turned her attention to the others and more for a happy tone of voice. "It saddens me that we must leave tomorrow, but we must continue our battle with Zarkon and spread peace throughout the Universe."

Kiara soon picked out three of the five paladins. She already saw Shiro near the door like a guard or over protective parent. Shaking her head she forced herself to walk over to the three paladins.

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Allura turned to the king. "Your Highness... please accept this gift." she held out a white device with blue center. "This will allow you to contact us anytime you need help." The King took the device from Allura. He smiled at her. "Arus will be the first planet in the Volton Alliance."


"We out to get something like that." Hunk said walking over to the Red, and Blue Paladins. "Something like what Hunk?" the boys turned to... "Hey come to join the.. Whoa." Lance said as Ariana joined them.

The girl looked like a girl for once. Her dark violet hair was up and she wore a blue and silver dress. Even if she had boots on, Kiara looked like a princess. "Please stop staring." she whined at the three staring wide eyed boys. "Sorry, but you actually look like a girl...OW!" Ariana hit him with open palm on the back of his head. "Excuse me, I am a GIRL!" Lance rubbed his head.

Kiara's face was red with embracement. "Why are you wearing a dress? I mean it looks good, on you?" Hunk said. Kiara sighed. "Allura talked me into a bet.. and I won't get my old clothes back until after the party." She huffed.

"No way! Is that real?" Lance asked pointing at her silver scale coated ring. She quickly hid the silver ring hand behind her back, her face went redder. "Yeah, but it not what you think." She quickly spoke up. "Sure." Lance said slyly as Ariana glared at him. Then sighed. "So what are you three talking about over here if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh.. Hunk was saying we need something. What is it?" Lance asked as Kiara relaxed glad to have the attention away from her. Looking she catch Keith staring at her with a light blush on his face. Maybe it bit shocking for him to see the girl who care to get dirty wearing a dress and looking more princess like than guy. Keith noticed her looking at him and looked away. Shrugging Kiara turned her attention back to what was going on.

"You know, like a cheer." Hunk said. "A, cheer." Kiara raised her eyebrows. "Like a team cheer what we do." He finished. Kiara shrugged. "Why not, just nothing cheesy." She added. 

"Mm-hmm. Yeah, ok. How about, uh. I say Vol and you say Tron. Vo!" Lance started a little too excited about it.

"Uh.. Voltron?" Keith asked confused as what Lance was trying to get them to do. "No! No, no. The cheer includes the instructions. I say Vol and you say..."


Kiara stifled a giggle her eyes didn't hide it well though. Keith looked at her questioning look like if she understood what Lance was saying. Placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry." she half laughed. "I don't get it either." She shot Lance a half glare he shrugged it off. "We'll work on it." he said before  taking a drink of whatever juice it was. Keith sighed in relief  before Lance started to act weird. "Uh.. you ok?" Kiara asked hesitantly. Lance swallowed it but quickly gagged and turned to Coran.

"Coran what is this?" Lance asked him as the Altean just drank it like nothing. "Oh this Nunvill, the nectar of the gods." he told Lance. Removing his hand from his mouth, "this taste like hotdog water and feet." he said.  "Yeah, makes a wonderful hair tonic as well." with that Coran walked up flicking the stuff on his face and hair.

Lance gagged. Hunk, Keith and Kiara hovered around him. With a poke from Keith, Lance fell. Kiara winced and looked at the others wondering if it really was that awful.

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Coran walked over to Shiro who was standing watching as the Arusian came and went from the Castle. "Not feeling well try some Nunvill. Settles the stomach and brightens your smile." Coran offered him. Shiro looked over at the  Altean as he walked up.

"I'm not sure, we should be letting everyone wander in and out of the castle like this." His attention was back to what he was doing. Keeping a watchful eye on everything. "It doesn't seem safe." Shiro was the voice of reason after all.

Arusians walked in and out as the two walked near the exit/entrance. "Oh, these Arusians won't hurt anything... much." He said as two flew by and crowded breaking the hovering tray and glass. "Besides it's only fair to let them see the inside of the castle that's been sitting on their planet for so long." Coran explained. "But, who knows when Zarkson will attack again?" Shiro turned to walk off. "I'm going to do a perimeter check, just in case."

Unknown to everyone Sendak was already planning his next move on the paladins.

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