(Season 1) Chapter 21

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As for Hunk And Corn well.. Hunk was repairing the ship with Shay keeping him company. "So, tell me, what is the sky like?" Shay said. "The sky? You seriously have never seen the sky?" Hunk was shocked by this.

"No.. but at night I sneak up as high as I dare, trying to imagine what it is like." she climbs onto the pod and sits down. "Oh, lucky are you to fly in this machine to worlds far from here." Shay says as he put her hands on the pod.

"Well, it doesn't have to be like this. You can be free too."


"Yeah, free. It means you can go where you want, be what you want, do what you want. No Galra masters to tell you what to do." Hunk explained to her as she sat or crouched on the rock.

"It makes no sense. Zarkon controls everything." Shay says.

"Nope. no, things are changing. Have you heard of Voltron?" Hunk asked her crossing his arms.

"A child's tale." She says. Shay wouldnt help wondering where he was going with this.

"It's real. I'm one of the paladins, and Voltron is going to defeat Zarkon." Hunk says pointing beefy at himself.

"You are?"

"Stop filling this one's head with your shadow show! The cavern is our home. This will never change. Come." Rax said. Shay got up and followed after her brother.

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Haxus was powering up the sub panels. In the generator room. Unknown to him Pidge and Rover where sneaking up a ladder to escape. "Initializing main cluster reboot." Haxus said. Pulling open a hatch Pidge used her built in scanner to scan the wall.

"Gotcha ya." She said pulling up another screen on ehr other arm. Showing the blueprints she quickly went to work. ""Initializing complete. I'm set for main powerup." Haxus said back to Sendak. *The bridge is go.* "Powering up." said the Galra.

As Haxus powered up so did Pidge. "And, up and up, and up." She said drawing her fingers up the screen. "I would not want to be touching a metal surface when this thing overloads."

"Sir, something is wrong." Haxus said. As the alarms rang out. Then the thing exploded all around him. The shock knocks him down giving Pidge and Rover their opening. Jumping she grabs Rover and moves in.

Landing Hazus looked at Pidge. "You're the one causing all this trouble? A child?"

"I'm not a child. I'm a Paladin of Voltron." She  said holding her weapon.

"Hehe, hehe." He chuckles. "Let me tell you something, child." He draws his word. "I'm a soldier of the Galra Empire. Nothing stops me but triumph of death." Haxus said.

Haxus runs at Pidge. He swings his sword. Pidge dodges them along with Rover. Rolling to one side she fires her bayard wrapping around the sword. Jaxus threw her at the control panel.

"Nowhere left to run. Nowhere left to hide." He raised his sword only have Rover disac him long enough for Pidge to get up running she ducked under his legs tripping him. River then slams into him knocking him off. Haxus grabs the drone as he falls. "Rover!" Pidge watched as the drone powered down. "NO!" Pidge yelled as they fell.

*Haxus report in.* Pidge walked to the screen. "Haxus is gone, and you're next!"

*You slowed me down, but this ship is mine! You will turn yourself over to me immediately!*


*Maybe you'll leader can convince you.*

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