(Season 1) Chapter 28

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Everyone was back on the bridge. All the Paladins were no longer suited up. Ahead of The was the Balmera. The planet looked.. uneasy washed through her like a heavy cloud...

  "We'll be arriving at Balmera soon. Liberatting these Balmerans from Zarkson's grasp will not be easy." Allura explained to them Coran was still at his station while others stood near the crystal.

"So, what's the plan? We go in there and just-- POW, POW!" Lanced asked as he made his hands into  guns and acted like he was firing them. "And free the prisoners?" Lance asked them. "What was that noise?" Keith asked with raised eyebrow at Lance. "Laser guns." he said with a smug grin.

  Kiara walked between the two boys. "Now, now, play nice. Or I'll lock you two up and throw out the key." She teased putting her hands on their shoulders. They looked at her before looking away from each other.

"No, Lance. I think you mean---POW, POW, *Screech* *Clack* POW!" Hunk said acting like ti was a machine gun. "That sounds like fireworks." Lance said.

Kiara laughed. "Maybe it's like ZAM, ZAM." she added in joining the fun. She used her arm like guns. Keith still didn't look impressed. Or was he didn't understand. Shrugging she didn't care.

"Technically, they're more like--- BA-CHOO, BA-CHOO, BA-CHOO" Pidge said making a simple gun with both her hands. "Okay, enough with the bad sound effect. Besides it's more like--- BLAM, BLAM, BALM." Shiro said acting like a hitman.


"Come, on."

"You're crazy."

"No, way."


"Paladins focus."

   Everyone said back to back. Kiara was glad everyone was in a better mood. "Aw, were just having fun." whined Kiara playfully. Earning some chuckles from her teammates.

   "Besides, we can't just shoot at the Galra. This Balmera it's like, alive. And from what we've seen it doesn't look very good." The planet the screen showed went thermal.  "Yes, it's an atrocity what the Galra have been doing to this grand beast. Stealing it's crystals it's very life force, without ever performing the energy rejuvenation ceremonies to heal it." Coran pulled up more pictures of what the planet looked like.

   Kiara gave a solemn look. 'Poor thing, what have they done to you?' She thought about what the planet looked like.

They had to fix this, or no one will have a place to live or gather crystals from. She understood why Hunk wanted to rush. Kiara felt it, a bit of the Balmera crying from here though faintly like a gentle breeze.

    "After seeing Shay's people enslaved, it made me realize how bad Zarkon really is. And we are the only one who can stop him." Hunk said.

Kiara knew he was right. They were chosen to fight, to be heroes to those who need a hero.  "Okay, so can't go into the tunnels guns blazing. Plan B. We figure out how to draw the Galra to the surface and battle them out there."

   "I know. If we attack all of that big mining stuff on the surface--" "--it will draw them out to us" Kiara aid. "Yeah, then we beat it up, head down to the tunnels, Voltron saves the day." Hunk finished.

   "But there is a problem though." Kiara spoke up. "How will we know how many are left in the tunnels?" Keith asked explaining one of the main problems. "We can track the Galra and the Balmerans. Using Biothermal Life Indicator Point Technology." Allura said as a hologram of the tech she was talking appeared. 'Alien holograms cool.' Kiara noted looking at the strange tech. "Oh, BLP tech!" she said getting in close and adjusting her glasses looking at the hologram.

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