(Season 1) Chapter 2

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-9 Years Later~

  "Galaxy Garrison flight log 5– 11– 14. Begin descent to Kerberos for rescue mission." Lance said turning the ship to the head to Pluto's moon.

    "Uh. Lance, can you keep thing straight?" Hunk asked the pilot. He was feeling sick as it turned. "Relax, Hunk, I'm just getting a feeling for the stick. It's not like I did this." Lance pulled the stick back and sped up. Hunk groan once more. "Or this." Causing it to make a sharp nose dive..

"Ok, if you want to wip beef stroganoff out of all the little nooks and crannies in this thing, you'd better knock it off, man!" He shouted at his friend.

   A ding off the computer as the signal cane in. "We've picked up a distress beacon!" Pidge quickly spoke up.

   "All right, look alive, team! Pidge track coordinates." "Copy." She said turning back in her chair.

  "Knock it off, Lance! Please!" Hunk begged as a beeping started up ringing through the ship.

   "Oh, this one's on you, buddy. We've got hydraulic stabilizer out." Hunk looked at his screen as Lance explained.

    The ship rocked and rumbled. Hunk gulped his food down. "Oh, no."— "Oh, no. Fix now puke later." He told his friend.

    "I lost contact. The shaking is interfering with our sensors." Pidge jumped in. "Come on, Hunk!" "It's not responding!" He moans getting up from his chair.

   "Never mind, fellas. Thar she blows. Preparing for an approach on visual." The distress signal was back and running. As they approached Kerberos.

   A panicked  Lance went back to cool and cocky. This time Pidge was talking fast on relaying information. "I don't think that's advisable with our current mechanical and gastrointestinal issues." "Agreed."

   "Stop worrying. This baby can take it, can't you champ?" Lance  tapped the ship they were in. The ship rumbled. "See? She's nodding. She was nodding."

   Side glancing to Pidge. "Pidge, hail down to them and let them know their ride is here." Pidge unbuckled and stood up grabbing the intercom.

   "Attention, lunar vessel— ah!" The ship jolted knocking her to the ground. "What are you doing? Buckle your belt. And, Hunk, stop that shaking!"

     "I'm try—- oh, no."  He threw up and shut the lid. "Attention, lunar vessel, this Galaxy Garrison Rescue Craft One Victor Six Three Tango. Coming in for landing and extraction, against crew recommendations." She mutter the last part glaring at Lance.

   "No time for your mutinous comments now Pidge. They're going under and we are going in."  Lance stored the ship forwards.

"Look out for that overhang!"

   "No worries. My first year in flight school, know what  they called me?" They called me "The Tailor" because of how I thread the needle." Grinding the ship spun.

   "Come around, come around!" Crash the screen glitched. "Oh come on!"

   "We lost a wing!" The tech kept on beeping. "Oh man." Lance realized he failed. 

Simulation Failed.

"Nice work, Tailor." Pidge said sarcastically. The door opened as Iverson shouted. "Roll out, donkeys!" The three got up and exited the ship.   "Let's see if we can't use this complete failure as a lesson for the rest of you students. Can anyone point out the mistakes these three so-called cadets made in the simulator?" His loud voice boomed.

   "The engineer puked in the main gearbox!" Someone raised their hand from the crowd of people. "Yes. As everyone knows vomit is not an approved lubricant for engine systems. What else?"

   "The com spec removed their safety harnesses."

"The pilot crashed!"

   "Correct. And worst of all, the whole time, they're agreeing with each other."

Directing his attention back to the three cadets. "Heck, if you're going to be this bad individually, you'd better at least be able to work as a team! Galaxy Garrison exists to turn young cadets like you into the next generation of elite astro explorers, but these kinds of mistakes are exactly what cost the lives of the men The Kerberos Mision."

   "That's not true, sir!" Pidge shouted back only to have Lance slap a hand over her mouth.

"What did you say!" Iverson boomed

   "Sorry, sir. I think he hit his head when he fell out of his chair. But point taken."  Release his friend they stood still in formation. "I hope I don't need to remind you that the only reason you're here is because one of our best pilots in your class had discipline issues and flunked out! Don't follow in his footsteps. Next!" He shouted as the next group entered.

   Night had fallen as Lance and Hunk snuck out of their rooms. "Lights out in five! Everyone is back to their dorms now."

   "We shouldn't be doing this." Hunk saud keeping a low voice so as not to draw attention to them. "You heard Commander Iverson. We need to bond as a team. We're going to grab Pidge hit the town, loosen up, meet nice girls—" lights went out.

   "Ok, I'm just saying this here, right now on the record. This is a bad idea." The two boy quickly ran into the next hallway. "You know, for someone in space exploration program, you don't have much of a sense of adventure."

  The two hid a few inches below the window. "All of your little adventures end up with me in the principal's office."  Lance looked in the bent down and crawled. "Oh, man." Hunk followed him.

   As one of the guards walked by, "1-5 north all clear." The guard was gone as Lance jumped out of the blue trash can and walked off while Hunk struggled to get free of the yellow bin. Then followed him. "I'm fine." Quickly Lance yanks Hunk causing him to yelp.

  The two watched as Pidge exited the room. She shut the door and ran off. "Where is he going?"

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