(Season 1) Chapter 27

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They were back on the moon. Kiara managed to yell at Lance for being total moron for letting a girl con him out of his lion, and to get his love stuck head on straight. She swore she heard someone laughing about it. Now they stood, facing Rolo and his gang.

"Since your ship really doesn't work now, you'll have to wait here for a rescue." Keith told them. "--Thanks for sparing our lives." Rolo said. "Spared? What are we Galra? We don't hurt  anyone, even if they double cross us." Kiara pointed out... "That's not how we work." she looks over at the others for support. All looked to agree with her.

"Now, that these guys are dealt with, let's get to the Balmera ansave Shay and her family." Hunk said getting straight to his point. "You might not believe this but I hope you do stop Zarkon. It's a lifetime of fighting the Gala that led me to where I am today." Rolo said.

Kiara looked at everyone. "Okayyy."  She ran her hand through her dark violet hair. "Look, I'm not a fan of how you and your friends played us. But I have something you should hear." Rolo and everyone looked at Kiara with her cool gaze and kept her voice even as she spoke.

"War is a terrible thing. But what you must do is pick one side. Zarkon will fall to us. We can shape our own destiny. We will challenge our fates. But only you have a choice in where you will stand. Stand tall and fight back or crumble and fall like a mentor, you decide." Kiara said as they turned to leave heading to the Castle.

-line break-

As they flew to the Balmera. No words. Kiara felt the tension in the room. She was wondering how everyone was cooping. They trusted Rolo, but he broke it and they had to rescue the Blue Lion. A squeaking made her look up as the light blue mouse ran up with a bottle.

"Thanks, I knew you could find the right one." She said taking it from the mouse who squeaks. "Don't worry, I'm sure they will snap out of it soon." Kiara leans against the rail she unscrewed the bottle.

"What are you doing?" She looked to see. "When have you been so nosy?" Kiara asked him. Keith shrugged before looking at what she was holding. "Is that the same stuff you used on Lance?" He asked her. "Uh.. no. the stuff I used was yellowish and didn't smell as bad.. And this..uh.. Pink." She said setting the bottle down.

   "Do you think Hunk is well..." "Acting off? Yeah. I won't put it past him having a crush on this Shay person." She said, "How do you know?" Keith asked her gray-blue eyes questioning her.

"Well, I don't really. I'm just guessing. You can tell if someone is crushing on another." She added looking back to her wrapping and started to unwrap it again.

  "Some people are easy to read. Take Lance how he hits on nearly every girl. It's easy, but you take a total stranger and try to read what they are thinking it's harder." She glanced up.

   "What?" Kiara asked him.

   He was looking at her but curiously. "Do you have a..." "What, no. no. Daria, told me this stuff." She said waving him off light blush on her face. Kiara couldn't tell if he looked relieved or upset maybe a bit of both.

"Daria tried dragging me out of the dorm every night. After what happened with Shiro, you leaving. And she was always trying to hook me up with some stranger each night." Kiara set the old wrapping down.

  Keith walked around, "Can I see it?" He asked her to hold his hand out taking her wrist gently. "You know I can do it myself.." She said, not hiding the prick in her tone as he turned her hand. "I know." Keith said he studied the marks. "What are you two doing?" Kiara jump yanking her hand free to see.. "Lance." She was shocked to see the Blue Paladin standing there. "It's none of your business." Keith snapped with a light shade of pink.

"Lance do you need something?" Kiara asked him. By looking at both teens' faces flushed with embarrassment.  "Why are you two always together?" Lance asked raised eyebrow. Ariana huffed. "We are taking. That's all." She grabbed the bottle of ointment. "I'm going to see you two later." Kiara negotiates  walk off, "send someone to get me when we get closer to Balmera." She added.

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