(Season 1) Chapter 35

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While Allura and Kiara were helping the Balmsra. The lions were still avoiding the creature as it fired at them. They flew up in formation then broke off. The Black lion flew at the creature. The others rushed in firing and voiding the blast it sent their way. Yellow lion was shot and smoked.

"Guys, thi isn't working. We'll never take this beast down in our lions." Keith said.

"Well forming Voltron didn't work, either." Pidge pointed out.

"Not without some way to shoot all those lasers at once. Lance chimed in.

Then the same panel opened up in the Yellow Lion. The sameplace to stick your bayard in. "That's weird. What are you trying to tell me?" Hunk asked his Lion. Putting his hand down her summoned his bayard in the basic form. "Guys! Guys, something's happening here! I-I think there's a way to take down all those laser eyes at once." he said to the group.

   "Well what is it?" Pidge asked him. They were still weaving the lasers the thing was shooting up at them with. "Do you remember how Voltron formed that sword with Keith's bayard? I think my lion's telling me I can do the same thing with my bayard." Hunk explained to them.

"Are you sure?" Keith asked him. The Red Paladin didn't want him to be wrong about what he was thinking. "Let's find out. Form thingy!" Hunk  shouted, jamming it into the slot and turned it. Nothing. "It didn't work!" Hunk said he was a bit disappointed. "Because we didn't formed Voltron yet." Shiro reminds him. "Oh, right. yeah, I know." the Yellow Paladin said.

"Guys, whatever we're planning let's hurry up and do it." Pidge remind them. The thing stopped firing and looked to the Castle and the others. Then it began moving towards it. "We got to defend the Castle! Everyone, follow me. FORM VOLTRON!" Shiro shoutted.

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The monster began to charge up one huge blast. Turning its arms to face them, the green beams began to charge up. Only to be hit with a blue laser beam from Voltron. Flying Voltron landed in the monster's way. On it's shoulder it created Hunk's bayard weapon. The creature once more created the same attack ready to hit Voltron.

Then both Monster and Voltron fired their attacks. The creature began to push their attack back to them. "It's not enough." Shiro groaned as they fired their weapon. "Then I will have to try something else." Hunk said and shifted the sticks in his lion. The beam went right over them creating dust.

Once more the thing fired missile lasers causing Voltron to fly and didge the attacks.  Hunk watched as his lion pulled up a screen showing the monster and one of the eyes on it's chest. "Are you guys seeing this?" Hunk asked them.

"Roger that."

"Let's see what this thing can do. Engage!" Once more forming the cannon blaster they fired at the monster. Not one but many blast followed firing the monster knocking it back each time one hit. It kept backing up as Voltron dismissed the blaster.

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Kiara felt the energy grew all around her. Then a huge wave hit. She squeezed her eyes shut. This was it. Kiara reached out to the planet. The warmth spread through the Balmera. She felt the pain melting, replacing with light. Kiara sent out her own emanations to interact with what was happening. 'Peace, healing.' she thought. 'Life.' The glow erupted engulfing the whole Balmera in it's healing power.

Voltron watched from the air as the ceremony took place.  "Guys, look." Shiro said everyone was in awe on what was transpiring before them.

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Voltron laned as the thing spanked  in front of them. It stopped screeching as it charged another blast. Voltron took off dodging the blast. It fired once more from it's chest and Voltron. Swiftly the Red Lion hit the monster sending it flying and huge ball of light engulfed with impact.

The thing flew through the air. It landed on the ground. Its eyes turned black and smoke came from its mouth. Voltron approached them.

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Kiara sighed sitting up she felt drained but a smile crossed her lips. The Balmera was alive, it was healthy again. She looked to Allura and leapt to her feet. Staggering. "Allura!" Kiara yelled rushing over to the exhausted Princess. Coran followed. Shay picked her up. "Princess, are you alright?" she asked as the two joined.

"Allura?" Kiara asked a bit of wariness as she reached her.  Just like she did with Lance she knelt down next to Allura. Kiara sighed as Allura began to stir. Turning she  looked to see the lions coming in. Kiara sat back. "Did it work?" Allura asked weakly. "Yes. The Balmera lives. It's thank you." Shay's mother said. "You did it. Allura." Kiara said her blue eyes glowed the silver shone brightly. "You saved them all." she added as the paladins joined them.

Then the ground shook everyone watched as the monster rose. Kiara stared wide-eyed. 'Well one problem down.' She reached her hand out. 'Help us.' she closed her eyes. A cry from the Balmera rang out. Kiara snapped them open looking as crystals engulfed the monster. 'Thank you.' she thought watching as she took over the creature. Ro-Beast cried out.

   "No way." Hunk gasped as everyone stared in shock. "It saved us." Kiara pushed herself up and walked a bit forward. "It returned the favor." she added. Putting her hand to the crystallized monster.

"Look at the crystals!"

    Kiara watched as many crystals began to grow from the ground. Kiara ran leaning down she ran her hand over one group. "Your welcome." she said stepping back she let her eyes travel over the dotting crystal landscape.

"Oh, who's a good Balmera? You are. Who ate the big monster? You did." Kiara turned and walked over to them. Her eyes wide and laughing. "Hunk why are you talking to it like that?"she asked him with amusement in her eyes. As Hunk petted it like a dog. "What? It's alive, and it's wuvs my swatches." he committed to talk like that. Kiara rolled her eyes. Keith just facepalmed can't believe what he was seeing.

Kiara looked back at the frozen crystalized monster. They did it. The impossible in a way. A sly grin crossed her face. 'I can't believe you're letting him talk to you like that?' she thought. 'Through if I had to guess Lance still wants a party of some kind.'

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Hunk and Shay sat on the head on the Yellow Lion. "Thank you for honoring your vow to return." Shay said to him. "I should be thanking you. You made me understand what's most important." he told her before looking back to the sky.

"Zarkon and his Galra Empire are destroying lives.  I'm part of a team that can change that. I know that, now." Hunk said sincerely.

Kiara stretched and yawned. She wouldn't mind crashing for a whole moon. Everyone was off doing something she spotted Hunk and Shay and a light smirk crossed her lips. Then something began to pull her away from Castle she started walking. "I'm coming. I'm coming." she chuckled as she scrambled over a few pillars she kept going.

As she slid down the next hill and froze. Before her were pure white crystal. Kiara walked over and lightly touched the stones before her.

"They are beautiful." she said running her hands over the smooth and  curved surface. Then a bright light made her step back her eyes went wide as the gemstones lit up reflecting the many colors. Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet and Orange. "A Prism Crystal." Ariana watched as the sun rose the brighter it got.

Stepping forward she watched as a small piece broke off she held her hands out catching the clear white gemstone. Seeing it. It was outlined in a light blue she shook her head. "I-I can't." Kiara said. The Balmera rumbled. "Ok then." she touched the rocks. "Thank you. You showed me, I shouldn't hide my empathy. I'll save others like you. I promise." Kiara lean on the rock closing her eyes.

   "KIA!" she stepped back as a voice called out for her. She sighed and cupped her hands around her mouth.

"COMMMMMING!" she yelled and raced off.

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