(Season 1) Chapter 38

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"Allura, what's going on?" Shiro demand as they walked into the bridge. She turned to them. "Where are you going to Altea? We're going home. My father is taking us." Kiara said. They ran only to have the hologram of her father appear and yelled at them. "STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!" He shouted at the causing all to freeze.

"Shut up!" Kiara snapped at it.

"Allura, wake up!" Shiro said.

"The crystal must have corrupted King Alfred's artificial intelligence. It's taking over!"  Coran stated.

   As the jump ened a huge ball of fire to face them. Kiara started shocked. This was the ship. "Where the heading starts for a star and it's about to explode!" Pidge said.

Allura wasn't seeing a start but her home. "Allura! Allura, wake up! What you're seeing isn't real." He begged her. Coran was trying to get her to wake up.

Luckily whatever happened released the trans Allura was in. 

"That's not Altea." She is awake now.

"When that star goes supernova, it will destroy the entire system. Allura you must reset the course and get us out of here!" Pidge told her.

Allura tied but something shocked her knocking her out of the control area. Her father took her place. "Father please, I beg you to turn this ship around." Allura was tired of being pleased with him.

"If we don't do it soon,we will all perish!"

"I know. That's my intention."

"What? Why?" Allura asked him

"Don't you see dear daughter? Zarkon can never be defeated. He has been ruling for ten thousand years. " He was short cuiting.

"But we must continue to fight!" She said.

"Fight for what? It is all over for Altea. You don't have to live a lifetime of war.  You can be with me and the rest of your people." He offered her.

"Father please! The Paladins and I can still stop Zarkon! Somewhere in there, you must want that to happen." Allura was pleased with him.

"Allura, my  A.I has been corrupted. You must disconnect my power source." He quickly said before booting back to the corrupt file. "We can stroll across the Blossom Canyon every morning, just like we used to." He said. "Remember how much you loved that?"

"I remember. I'll see you soon father." She said.

The she turned to the others. "I got to get into the A.I chamber to disconnect my father's power source manually." She told them. "That means losing King Alfor forever!" Coran pointed out.

"Paladins get to your lions! I need you to slow the castle's descent into the stars." She ordered them

Kiara walked up to her. "I'll go with you." She offered. "Ok." everyone broke off.

-line break-

Allura ran into the room followed by Kiara. A smaller version of her father showed up. "Don't do this," He said. Kiara walked up. "We must fight on." She said her eyes blazing. "Allura?" she asked her. She looked up at Kiara then at the hologram. The two watched as the corrupt and none fought to talk to her.

"I'm sorry about this father." She pulled it up. Kiara watched her as she discounted the source. "Allura!" Kiara yelled out.

Kiara watched as the everything broke away she walked over to the princess. Kneeling down and pulled her into a hug. "I'm so, sorry." Kiara whispered.

Allura looked at her. Then Kiara stood up offering a hand up. Let's go, we have a Castle to save."

-line break-

Shiro, Allura and Coran sat while everyone stood around them. "I'm so sorry about your father, Princess." Shiro said.

"We all are." Hunk added.

"You lucky though." Kiara spoke up. "You have memory of him. He'll live on through you. Through the stories that will be told. His legacy is you." Kiara's eyes gave a warm and sorrowful glow as she spoke.

"Thank you. But that was not my father. " Allura stood up to address them. "The real King Alfor was a great man and great father. He may not be with us anymore, but his dream still lives on through all of us, and his legacy is Voltron!"

-line break-

"Kia, you said I was lucky to have memories of my father. May I ask you why?" Allura said directing her attention to the half alien girl.  Kiara's turn to take a seat. Everyone gathered around her.

"You all really want to know?" She asked them.

"Yes." Pidge said.

Kiara looked at them. With half smiled before letting out a sigh.

"Pidge, you have memories of you dad and Matt right?"

"Yeah,"She said. Not sure where Kiara was going with this.

"Same with the rest of you right." Looking at the other Paladins. Her eyes bit hollow.

"Pretty much." Hunk said.

"Of course." Lance added.

"What are you trying to say?" Shiro asked her.

Kiara studied her hands. "I wasn't lying to you. When I said I was an orphan when I first met you and Keith.. But Unlike you Keith." She directed her attention to the quiet Red Paladin. "I have no memories of my father or let alone my mother." She stared at everyone's shock looks. "That's why I said you're lucky." Kiara looked back to Allura.

"I am sorry. I didn't..." Kiara held her hand up stopping the princess. "Don't be. I am not happy knowing I'm the last of my race. I am not much for sharing my life history." Kiara explains.

Then she stood up. "Listen, from here on out, things are gonna get harder for all of us. Just... no matter what happens we must stand as one." Kiara looked at everyone. "Like it or not we are a very weird family." She half laughs the last part. Everyone nodded and smiled somewhat at each other.

-line break-

   Kiara made her way back to her room. Everything that has happened put a toll on everyone. It would take awhile to get the virus out. Lucky Pidge was on it. Stopping she looked about. Ever since they escaped the supernova. A strange energy seemed to be calling. Yet it felt hollow and very far away. Yet she felt it only weaker one other time, but once. Back on Earth days and days ago.

'Who or what are you?'

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