(Season 1) Chapter 56

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*There's Zarkon's ship.* Shiro said. They got closer only to the freeze. "Guy!" Kiara screamed as she heard scream. *What?.. What's going on?* Hunk asked if she looked at the ship. "Something is wrong with Black." Lunar spoke up. *We lost the sword and something malfunctioned.* Keith says.

*Ari how are you not affected?* Pideg asked her. Lunar flew around Voltron. "Maybe because my lion isn't part of Voltron. Remember I told you, Allura's father didn't make her." Kiara looked at the ship. "You guys need to get away from the ship." Kiara tells them.

*What's going on?* Coran asked everyone.

*Somebody do something!* Voltron's frozen up!


*I can't hold it!*

Then they began to glow. "Guys!" Kiara yells as the team was focused to break apart. The lions sparking. *What just happened there? Something tore us apart!* Hunk asked.

*I don't know, but we've got a bigger problem right now look!*

Kiara stared in shock. "Oh. My. Nova." Kiara breathed seeing the ships before her. Everyone saw the huge ships. *Why did I get this feeling these guys knew we were coming?* Keith asked. "Whether they knew or not... We have to do something to follow me!" Kiara shouted and took off with Lunar the rest fell into formation behind her.

Kiara broke off to the left. Thrusting the right control stick a beam of light charged up and fired hitting the oncoming ships. Pulling back she avoids the next lasers. Lunar spun and dove down fast. Then Kiara pressed another button on the screen then pulling her two control sticks front and back she charged up a blue electric blast and fires the beam taking the oncoming fighters down.

Kiara could hear more of the explanations ring out all around her. She spots Yellow and Red fly pass smashing frozen ships in their wake. *Ah. There's no need for these guys.* Hunk said through her intercom. She watched as the ships began to charge only to have the Castle swoop in.

*Coran attack! I've waited ten thousand years for this! Coran said saving their metal tails.*


"Nice timing." Kiara says sighing as she took off weaving through more lasers then spots something. Lunar voice spoke up. "Your friend is in trouble." Kiara then noticed Shiro was the only one not responding to the others.

*Shiro are you okay?* Keith asked him. Kiara had already doubled back for their leader. *Something is over writing the controls! My lion is not responding.* Shiro replies back only to end up with a scream of agony. "Hold on Shiro, I'm coming." Kiara says as the Lunar shot back towards the ship. *I am coming too.* Keith ads. Kiara watched Red shoot off to the left.

As Red vanished, she spotted Shiro. "Lunar set me down." She told her lion. "What are you going to do?" Lunar asked as she let her paladin out. Kiara got out. "I'm making sure we don't lose this lion or this fight." The ran into over to Shiro.

"Shiro!" Kiara yelled as she ran up. "Kiara what are you doing here?" He asked her as she noticed the broken jet-back. "Helping." She says.

*Guys.. What do we do? Our plan isn't really working out as... planned!* Hunk asked everyone. Kiara thought then looked to Shiro. "I'm going after the Black Lion with Kiara. You guys get the princess, now!" Shiro orders them.

*I have identified Allura's exact location. Uploading the coordinates to you now. In the meantime I'll provide cover fire from out here, all alone, against an entire fleet. So, yeah, do mind hurrying.* Coran ads.

'Lunar help him.' Kiara tells her lion. Lunar takes off. "My jet-back is damaged I'll need to go through the ship." Kiara watched his arm glow as he cut through the ship. The two shield their face as they flew off.

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Kiara could hear loud blaring as she and Shiro crouched waiting for a group to pass by. Then they lunged. Using one of her swords she strikes down one while Shiro took the other.

They hurried through the ship. Kiara couldn't shake this sinking feeling something was wrong. Kiara launched herself forwards striking down more of Zarkon's trips causing Shiro to run ahead of her.

She raced after him. Ahead she spotted a hanger. Quickly the two entered the room the door slammed shut on them.  "Well the Champion has Returned." Hanger said causing the two Paladins to face the witch.

   "You." Shiro says he activated his arm and rushes her. "Shiro!" Kiara yells and raced after him. She watched as he tried to hit her only to form a circle around him laughing.

   "Looks like the Azarathian Half Breed is here as well." Hanger says as Kiara held her two swords ready to fight. "Don't let your guard down." Shiro says while Kiara nods.

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As for the others well. Hunk managed to track down Allura. While Pidge and Lance lured the others away. "This is it. The princess is this part of the ship!" Hunk tells them.

"How do we get in?" Lance asked.

"Maybe I can try hacking one of their cargo bays." Pidge suggested.

"We don't have time for that!" Hunk snaps.

"Do you have a better idea?" Pidge challenged him back. "Actually yes I do." Hunk says.

   Allura and Ebony sat in quiet. The loud rumbling rang out. Hunk jumped the Lion's Head through and began opening fire at everyone.

    Ebony squawks as Hunk blast a hole open. "Hunk what are you doing here?" Allura asked him shocked to see the Yellow Paladin. "Tell you didn't bring Voltron straight to Zarkon's central command! Where's the black lion?"Allura asks.

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