(Season 1) Chapter 3

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Her hover bike zoomed through the desert. She fixed her sea-blue gaze ahead of her. Her orange and white jacket flapping behind her just like her dark violet hair. The rest of her get-up consist of a simple dark blue tank, black shorts, brown boots, dark gray wrist long fingerless gloves and black belt with dark brown pouches on each side.

She started up in the night sky where the smoke from the landing pod hung in the air like a scent trail.

-few hours ago-

"Ok, you got the plan?" Keith asked her as he started his bike. The two bikes were parked outside the shack. Keith finished tying a dark purple bandanna around his neck.

She gave a light grin. "Yeah, a course. Use the expensives to create a distraction so you can get in close." She explained while turning her orange and white bike on causing it to hover off the ground.

"Just promise me, you'll be careful." He said looking over at her. Her gloved hands gripped the silver handles her feet touched the pedals as the motor roared in her ears. The noise drowned out his voice.

"Kia!" He half yelled to get her to look over at him. Irritation picking off him black haired mullet boy. She glanced at him. Keith fixed his gray-blue eyes on her with a concerned look. "I'll be fiine! Don't worry. We got this!" Her tone is a bit playful but confident in the end and smirk to go with it.

With that she sped off heading towards the Garrison. Keith watched until she was out of sight before letting out a sigh 'hope she's right.' and speeding off himself.

-present time-

As she pulled her bike to a stop and pulled out the switch. Kiara managed to get the last of the bombs placed, and now all she had to do was wait. Putting earplugs in being glad brought them. Pulling out the binoculars and zoomed into the makeshift camp.

"Four." Kiara said as she counted, four land rovers. She could see the vans in the distance. Then reached out, she grabbed the radio, pressing the side button and talked into it. *Keith, I can see four land rovers. Looks like most of them are inside.*

*Got it. Wait for my signal.* He replied back. She smirked, put the radio back and focused on the camp.

-line break-

Pidge, Lance and Hunk crouch nearby. Pidge got her tech out and headset on. Lance was looking through the night vision binoculars.

"Whoa! That the heck is that?"—Lance zoomed in on the craft. He zooms in just outside the tent.

—"and who is she?" He zooms in on a woman standing outside the tent,

"Lance." Pidge hit him. "Ow." He zooms out. "Right, alien ship. Man, we'll never get past all those guards to get a look."
Lance complained.

"Awe man. Yeah I guess there's nothing to do but head back to the barrack, right?" Hunk got up to leave.

"Wait. They set up a camera in there and I grabbed its feed. Look." Pidge computer showed the room with people in hazard suits and black haired man with a tuft of white strapped on the table.


—Hey! What are you doing?" He asked them.

"Calm down Shiro." Iverson said. "We just need to keep you quarantined until we run some test."

"You have to listen to me! They destroy worlds!" *grunts*

"Aliens are coming!" *grunts*

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