(Season 1) Chapter 11

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Outside the lions waited. Red, Blue Green and Black. "Should someone go get him?" Just then the Yellow Lion flew over. "Sorry everybody. Seriously, though, can't they park these things, like a Little closer to the bridge?" Hunk asked joining the group.

"All right, guys. Let's just fly in tight formation until we're totally in sync." Shiro suggested.  *Feel the bond with your lions and your fellow pilots. Until five become one unit and you form Voltron.*

   *Yeah!* Everyone shouted and took off together. The excitement didn't last long. After a while they were getting nowhere.

"Yeah.... Am I the only one who's still pretending to be excited?" Hunk asked clearly bored. "Clearly, this isn't working. Let's set down for a little bit." Shiro suggested.

"Maybe we should be building Voltron from the ground up." Keith suggested. "What do you mean?" Shiro asked. I mean let's try literally building Voltron, like stacking on top of each other."

"Like a cheerleader pyramid?" Lance half spoke half laughed. "You got a better idea?" "It's worth a try." Shiro said.

-line break-

"So how's the defense repairs  going?" Kiara asked walking up to Allura and Coran. "Well with if you're will to help, we might be ready to test some of the defenses."

-line break-

    The Paladins tried. So far they have got Green, Blue on the bottom. Red in the middle. Black on top of Red and lastly. Yellow as the head.

"Hunk, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're supposed to be the leg over there."

"What? No, no, no. I'm pretty sure that when we did it last time, I was the head. Right?" A confused Hunk asked.

You yelled, "I'm a leg!"

"Yeah, I was yelling a lot of things."

"Shiro's the head."

"All the time?"

"Ok, let's try it my way for now." Shiro said before they had a little dispute.

"Ok, but next time I call the head."

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"All right. Looks like things are in order. Now by the sound of how they are doing they could use some help." Allura said. Kiara thought they spoke up. "I have an idea."

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Once more they tried the pyramid. This time they had the lions in the right order. Shiro gently set Black on top. "Okay. Arms, legs.... and I'll form the head." He said, Once the Black Lion was on top. "Feel the bonds with your lions. Now channel your energy into forming Voltron. Focus. Focus." Everyone went quiet as they did what Black Paladin said.

After a while nothing happened. "Is everyone bonding and focusing?" Shiro asked breaking the silence. "Why was this so much earlier before?" Lance asked. With a sigh. "Let's take a break." Shiro said.

*sorry to interrupt, but I may be able to help.* Allura's voice comes through their mics.

*Yesterday you went able to form Voltron, until you were in the heat of battle.*


*I'm listening.

*Yeah I guess.

"Perfect. Because this was Kiara's idea. Plus I needed to run a diagnostic test on all of the Castle's defenses." Allura was surrounded by a screen and touching the one on her left. "This should help." Soon the particle barrier was up and around the castle.

Then it began to fire lasers at them. Right as the first blast began everyone was running and screaming. Kiara walked to the window and even far off she could see Voltron's lions running as the lasers were being shot at them.

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"Okay, go, go, go!" Lance yelled as they ran from the Castle. Black was in the lead with Blue and Green on his right and Yellow and Red on his left. Bangs echoed as the lasers hit the ground around them.

*Allura, Kia, what are you two doing?!* Kiara heard Keith voice cut in. She wished she could see them better. Allura replied back to Keith. "Running a diagnostic test on the Castle's defenses and inspiring you! I believe in you Paladins! Let fear be your guide! From Voltron!" She shouted.

Kiara shook her head. "Allura you're nuts." She laughed leaving her viewing point and joining Allura at her post. "Kiara this was your idea." She nodded and looked at the Paladins as they moved. Lance wasn't having it.

*Forget this! I'm heading back to the Castle!* Lance turned Blue around. Kiara turned to leave. "I'm going to help Coran let me know if this works." She walked off and out of the bridge.

Lance was fleeing with his metal tail, between his legs. Dodging blast one after another trying to get back to where it was safe. As Blue leapt the barrier bounced the lion right off it.

*Please stop! Please! Have mercy on us!* Hunk begged as he did his best not to get hit by the blast. *You think Zarkon is going to have mercy on you? He's probably on his way right now to destroy us all?* Allura said to him.

Kiara walked back in and watched as Allura activated. Auto-lock-on engaged. This was going to be bad. Kiara watched as Allura walked out of the room and passed her. 'She might be pushing them too hard.' She noted.  Sound of more blast outside made her sigh and pray they weren't over doing it. "I'll take the blame for this one." Kiara turned and walked off.

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Kiara stood leaning on the wall. The others plopped on the couch. Lance laid down while others sat. It was only the beginning, and so far Allura was pushing them hard and fast. The door *whooshed* open as Allura and Coran walked in.

"Are we at full power on condenser number five yet?" She asked Coran. "No still just 84 percent." Then Allura looked to see them in the common room. "You did it! You formed Voltron!" She said happily.

"No. The shooting stopped and the particle barrier shut down, so we just flew in." Keith explained to her. Boy, she didn't look happy. "What?" "Oh, right. Sorry, Princess. I had to turn off the Castle's defenses to test the fire suppressor." Coran apologized.

The the door opens on the other side and Shiro walks in, a bit shocked to find the rest of the Paladins just sitting around. "What are you guys doing here? We're. Not taking a break." He scolds them. "Shiro's right. You should be training." Allura backed their leader up.

"We've been training. When are we going back to Earth?" Whined Hunk. Kiara spoke up. "But this isn't the same thing ." She said earning a groan from the Yellow Paladin.


"Well, I'm not going back until I find my family." Pidge said. "Guys there won't be an Earth if we don't figure out how to fight Zarkon." Shiro explained to them.

  Lance sat up and faced Shiro. "How are we going to fight? We can't even figure out how to form Voltron." "I'm not surprised. You know, the original Paladins fought hundreds of battles together, side-by-side. They were like a pack of yalmora linked at the ears." Coran said to them.

"Wow. Yeah, that's definitely not us." Lance plopped back down on the couch. Kiara walked over to the others and leaned between Pidge and Keith.

"During the last attack, your survival instincts forced you to work as a team, but that will only got you so far. You'll have to become a real team to have any chance of forming Voltron and beating Zarkon next time. You should try working out on the training deck."

"Hold it. You have a pacific place just for training?" Kiara poke up eyes wide with wonder. "Yep." Coran said to them. "Well how about we give it a try." Kiara spoke up leaving her post. "What's the worst that can happen?" She asked them. All Paladins exchange glances.

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