(Season 1) Chapter 30

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~With Hunk~

As those three made their way to the control room Hunk was on his way to save his uh.. Friend. "Allura, Coran what's my location? All these tunnels look the same. I can't remember where the prison is." Hunk asked them.

*You're on the right path. Turn right at the next turn. Once you get there, you'll have to disable the energy doors. Be Careful. It looks like it's heavily guarded.* Coran directed him.

~With Lance, Keith and Kiara ~

"No, no. It's over here." Lance says taking the lead. She nodded stepping aside. "I know what I'm doing." Keith snaps back at both of them. Keeping their voices low.. "Stop barking and hurry up." Kiara hissed at the two as Keith cut an opening with his bayard.

In the room the guard looks up only to have Lance jump down with the ceiling crushing him. "Keep an eye out for those guards," he says. "Sure, what about the one you just crushed?" Kiara asked jumping down next followed by Keith.

"Well, just keep a look you two I'll see what I can find to shut the hanger doors." Lance said looking at the computer. Keith went left and Kiara right. She drew the sword Coran and Allura gave her.

   "Uh... hmm. Nope. Maybe, uh.." Kiara walked back over. "Having trouble Lance?" she asked him. "How does this thing work?" he asked. Kiara looked it over. Lance presses random buttons. She sighed. "Okay, so that's not cutting it." she mumbled.  Finally Lances admits he has no clue what he's doing.  "It's all Galra gibberish." Lance says.

"Let me see." Keith says joining them. Keith looked it over before putting his hand on the well hand. Then the sound on the hanger closing rang out.  "Whoa! How did you do that?" Lance asked him. Kiara felt the color drain from her face. 'It couldn't be.' she thought looking at the Red Paladin. Shiro did nearly the same thing but he had a cyber Galra arm. "I just put my hand on the handprint." Keith explained.

"Hey, Kia are you alright?" Lance asked looking back over to the silent girl. She looked white as a ghost. Both boys looked at her. "Huh?,.." she snapped out of her trance. "Y-yeah peachy. I'll go keep watching you two finish up here." Kiara said walking off leaving them to their ordeals.

~With Hunk~

From following Coran's directions he saw the door and guardian was Galra troops. They began firing at Hunk as he came to a stop. Jumping out he ducked behind his ride and summoned his bayard. The huge gun was now in his hands. He fired and knocked them down, destroying them. "That was way too easy. I definity don't have a good feeling about this." he  puts his bayard away. Putting his hand to the handprint he disarmed the engry door. Then he entered.

Checking making sure no one told him he hurried to the cell and putting his hand to it he disarmed the cell. The Balmera in it looked up to see Hunk. "Hunk, you have returned." Shay's father said. "I promised I'd be back. We're here to help where's Shay?" he asked him. Noticing  one of the Balmerans was missing.

"Our life may not have been perfect but our family was whole. Your arrival has left us imprisoned and torn apart. As soon as your attack started, they took her away to the core of the Balmera.  For all we know, she could be gone for good." Rax said, causing Hunk to stare wide-eyed.

~With Kiara, Lance & Keith~

Then Allura's voice rang in her earcom. *Paladins are you there? The Galra troops are moving down the tunnels. It looks like they're going toward the center.*

*They must be heading to the core. That's where they're holding Shay.* Hunk spoke up next.

*They're drawing us into an ambush, but we don't have a choice if we want to save Shay. We have to follow.* *Lance, Kiara and Keith, get to the core. I think we are going to need everyone together to get through this firefight.* Shiro said.

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