(Season 1) Chapter 7

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After that Allura led them all to another room. As the open move pods greeted them. Inside we're suits and helmets. "Your suits of armor."

As each paladin walked up the suit that match their lions. "I'm sorry. I don't think we have spare armor." She said to Kiara.

Kiara shook her head as Shiro told them to suit up. "I understand. I'm not a Paladin of Voltron after all." Kiara kept her tone even. Allura saw Kiara smiled but something about it was off. "I didn't ..."— "don't worry about princesses." Kiara waved her off trying to drop the conversation.

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Soon everyone was in their armor. Pidge wore the green one. Hunk wore the yellow one which fit supposingly. Lance had the blue one on, Keith wore red and Shiro had the black one on.

Then Allura opens up a table. Showing four Bayards. They flew out heading towards the Paladin that it matched.

"The Bayard is the traditional weapon of the Paladins of Voltron. It takes distinct shape for each Paladin."

When Hunk got his, it turned into a heavy gun blaster. Keith's was a sword. Lance got an energy rifle. Pidge got a simple hand orientated weapon.

"Aw, you got a cute little bayard." Lance said only to end up with Pidge shocking him.

"Yeah.. it's pretty cool." She said smirking at her weapon proudly

"Shiro, I'm afraid your bayard was lost with its Paladin." Allura apologized.

"I guess, I'll just have to make do." He said,

Kiara watched as each Paladin tested out their weapon. Turning she walked out of the room, but didn't go unnoticed though.

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They all gathered at the giant computer screen. Sendak's ship was still pulled up.

"You'll need to retrieve the Red Lion from Sendak's ship." Explain Allura.

"That's a pretty big ship. How are we gonna know where the Red Lion is?" Keith asked.

"It's not a matter of "we." It's a matter of "you." Pidge said quoting you as she spoke.

"Pidge is right. Once we get you in, you'll be able to feel its presence and track down." Hunk said.

"So, Are Paladins like a metal detector but for Voltron?" Kiara half scuffed with sarcasm. Earning a smile from Allura.

"Yeah. You know how you felt that crazy energy while we were in the desert?" Lance asked him.

"Yeah, you made fun of me for that." Keith pointed out a bit upset.

"And I'm proud of that, but turns out it's exactly like that mumbo-jumbo. Right Kia, you felt it too." Lance directed his attention to the light tan skinned, dark violet haired girl.

"I.. I don't know." Stammered Kiara a bit, unsure what she felt, let alone saw.

"What you felt and saw Voltron? How?" Allura asked shocked.

"I said-  I don't know." Kiara once more said. Casting a wary gaze down at her feet.

"That can't be possible, only Paladins of Voltron can connect with them. You felt the lion? That's impossible. Are you sure you felt the Lion's energy?" Allura asked her.

"I don't know." Her irritation is growing.

"Come on. Did you or did you not?" Pidge asked her.

"I said. I don't KNOW! OK. So just DROP IT!" She shouted as her eyes flicked with light pale blue. As her anger flared up.

The Altean and everyone else were taken back by her outburst, but Allura quickly recovers before addressed the matter at hand.

"Keith, remember, the Red Lion is extremely temperamental. You'll have to earn its respect." Allura reminds the Red Paladin.

"Alright here's our plan of attack." Shiro said to them.

"The Galra Empire knows about the Blue and Yellow Lion. But they don't know we have the Green Lion too."

"Hunk, Lance, you'll act as a decoy, by pretending to give yourselves up." Shiro directs his attention to them.

"While Sendak is distracted. Keith, Pidge and I will sneak into the ship in the Green Lion."

"I want to help." Kiara stated as she crossed her arms, staring the group down. No way she's missing out on the action.

Shiro and the others looked at Kiara. "No offense, but you'll get in the way." Lance said.

"Lance is right Kiara . You stay here. We got this covered." Shiro added.

"No, I want to help and there's nothing you can say to make me stay here." Crossing her arms.

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