(Season 1) Chapter 47

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Team Voltron starred in shock as a White Lion flew at them from the left. It's mouth open letting out a loud roar as more ships followed after it.

Kiara gripped the flight sticks a smirk on her lips as the small cannon smiled from her blast. "Everyone split up take out those rays!" She orders them as she pressed her intercom button causing six more screens to pop up.

Shocked faces greeted her. "Hey everyone. Sorry I'm late. I had a little detour." She said to them.

*A little detour? Where have you been?* Lance asked her. Snapping out of his shock. Kiara 's eyes widened swiftly. She pulled up as a blast from a cannon aimed at her she leveled out. "Long story." She explained.

Lunar fired her tail laser at the small cannon. Then circled back around firing larger blast.

  *Hey I can move my lion!* Hunk said. Soon Voltron broke free. All ships, lions and Voltron face the cruiser. "Nila takes a small group and gets to the castle. Kylo takes the rest and flanks us." Kiara orders as she shot forwards.

Voltron flew after her. *So what... do you have a plan?* Hunk asked her. Smirking, "take out that cannon and send this ship packing." Lunar abruptly stopped and fired the energy beam from its mouth.

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Allura was beyond shock as she saw the lion coming to their aid. Even more when Kiara's face appears on the screen. It had to be impossible. Her father never made six lions, only five.

The White Lunar Lion stopped in mid flight as it shot a long range beam of blue energy at the ION cannon. Voltron raced forwards with Lion follows with six of the ships on its tail.

*Alteans your White Lion Warrior sent us to lend aid.* A new face appeared a gray skin alien with purple spots.

Loud explosions rang out as the bat cruiser explosions from Voltron and Kiara's Attack.

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Lunar hovers next to Voltron. *Good work team.* Shiro told them as they disbanded. "Am I in trouble?" Kiara asked them to look at Shiro. The Black Lion looks over at Lunar. The others looked at her. *We'll talk later about this.* Kiara nods. "Yes sir."

"Kylo took the others to the Castle. I'm following you Shiro." She then directed her attention to her leader.

Cutting off her video feed. "I'm sooo dead." She groaned as she recalled the shock expressions and upset ones. Purring, "they just worried about their kit." 

"I know..."

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Lunar touched down a few feet from where Black landed. Kiara let out a long breath. She knew they wanted answers and picking up the black cat-sized dragon cradling the animal as Lunar lowered her head.

Kiara forced her legs to walk to the exit. As she exited Shiro stood there arms crossed as she walked up to him.

Pausing she looked up at him his gaze stern. Kiara gulped as he walked over and pulled her into a hug. "Do you know how worried we were?" He asked her as she quickly back away.

"I'm sorry.." Shiro put a hand on the young Paladin's shoulder causing her to look up at him. "I'm glad you're back." He smiled and she mirrored him. "I'm glad to be back home." Kiara let him lead the way to the bridge.

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