Story Mode 30: Nothing For You To Worry About

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"Thank you for letting come in Jaehee's place today," Y/n says with a light smile as she walks out of the building at Jumin's side. The early meeting finally ended and Y/n has begun walking her boss over to his car. The sun is out and the blue sky is decorated with a few cotton candy looking clouds. It's the perfect weather for the festival going later on today.

In long even strides, Jumin's face remains unchanging as he focuses on the sidewalk in front of him. Y/n can't help but walk a few steps behind the man, his aura is just completely different. "There's no need for you to be thankful to me. The only person that should be thankful is Assistant Kang. One because you covered for her and two because I hired you."

A short pause follows, but it's not an uncomfortable one. "I hope Zen chooses to give the drama a chance."

"As do I," Jumin comments as the two of you stop at his car. "The last offer I gave him, he flat out rejected and didn't post a selfie on the messenger for a week."

Just as a laugh was preparing to spill from her throat, Y/n falls silent and blinks in surprise. Similarly, Jumin's eyes widen at the sudden flash and sound of a camera clinking. However, he is much faster on his toes, getting both her and himself in the car and hidden behind the tinted windows.

"Driver Kim— actually, Y/n. Inform my head body guard that we must have three men in this area find the person with the camera." Jumin turns from Y/n who scrambles at his side to the man in the driver's seat without batting an eye. "Driver Kim, please put some distance between us."

"Yes, sir!" The car takes off smoothly and they leave the building behind in a flash.

In a rush, but managing to compose herself, Y/n quickly contacts the head body guard and informs him of the situation. Once everything settles, Y/n sighs deeply and leans back into the luxury car seat.

"Y/n, are you alright?" As if nothing had even occurred, Jumin sits poised in his seat as he sends a glance over to her slumped form next to him.

She nods her head with a small smile."I'm fine. I was just caught off guard is all." Jumin practically picked her up and threw her in the car like a sack of potatoes. Her heart rate slows slightly and she quickly adjusts her breathing to fake like she's not out of breath. She won't be telling anyone how frazzled she is after the heir of the company whisked her away from some outside threat and into the safety of his car without breaking a sweat. Yup... definitely taking that one to the grave. "Oh!" Y/n exclaims as she escapes the rabbit hole of her own thoughts. She quickly corrects her own tone, "Seatbelts."

Jumin's chin tucks into his chest. "Oh." They both buckle themselves in their seats.

"So, was that the paparazzi or something?" Y/n asks as she holds her hands on her lap and folds her legs together. At least if she makes it into a magazine her outfit today is fashionable while being professional.

Jumin sighs and looks out of the window closest to himself. "Most likely."

"It's weird for them to have taken a picture of the two of us together though," Y/n fills the silence with her own thoughts. "Even if they don't know me, they should've seen us leaving the meeting together and know that I'm just a worker... Is this why you had Jaehee cut her hair and such?"

"It's one reason, yes." Though he doesn't seem interested in the conversation, he doesn't shut it down completely either. A blank expression is plastered on his mature features. "When she looks like that, a picture of the two of us together isn't as eye catching. The public won't be prone to buy a baseless issue with the two of us on it." Y/n reads in between the lines and takes it as a compliment. "The more eye catching the picture is, the less evidence they need to sell the story, no matter what nonsense it maybe be."

Y/n nods her head in understanding. Worst case scenario for her, it seems like she'll just get ten minutes of fame. "You seem used to this."

"Yes." He finally turns his head completely towards Y/n, giving her a glimpse of what's behind his charcoal eyes. "There's nothing for you to worry about."

"We have arrived," Driver Kim speaks up. His driving is so fluid that Y/n hadn't even noticed that they stopped, let alone parked.

"This is the place that you're going to meet Ray, correct?" Jumin asks as he scans the busy street.

Sure enough, a red sports car pulls into the spot behind them. Although Y/n was half expecting Seven to drive Ray, he sits in the convertible's front seat alone and turns of the engine before slipping out. Not her original image of him, but it suits him. "Yup, thank you so much for the ride."

Jumin nods his head. "Driver Kim, her door please."

"Oh there's no need," Y/n laughs. "I'll slip out on my own." She puts her phone in her bag and flicks a piece of her hair in places as she cracks open the door. "I'll keep you updated with what your head body guard reports."

"No need," Jumin states as she slips through the small crack she made with the door, careful not to let anyone see the powerful man inside. "I'll have him report directly to me. Enjoy your date."

A dumb smile comes onto Y/n's lips. "Thank you. I'll see you soon at work!" Jumin nods in confirmation and Y/n slams the car door shut.

Dodging around a couple and their large dogs, Y/n crosses the downtown street's wide sidewalk and pops up next to Ray who leans across a wall of a store with his eyes glued to his phone. "Surprise!" Y/n shouts as she latches one to his arm out of excitement. "I've been waiting all week to see you."

His shoulders jut up in surprise and he nearly drops his phone, causing Y/n to giggle. "I've been waiting as well." His gaze embraces her warmly sending her another fresh set of butterflies swarming through her.

"Let's go get lunch!"


"My savior..." the man trembles in excitement as he holds his phone up to his ear. He hides in the shadows of an alley with the hood of his cloak covering his face. "It's an honor to be be able to speak to you directly."

"My mission?" He clutches a camera tightly in his hand, several photographs of the RFA's Jumin Han and Y/n L/n glowing on the screen. "Yes, I have succeeded."

A blush spreads across his features as the woman he devotes his body and soul to whispers words of approval in his ears. "The guards appeared at the scene in moments, so it might not be as easy next time. ...No for you, anything is possible."

There is a long pause before he speaks again.

"For eternal paradise."


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