Story Mode 50: His Reaction, About MC, And Whoah, Celebrities

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"Saeyoung," Ray throws the car keys at his twin brother who only manages to catch them after they smack against his head. The redhead is buried in his work just like always. He takes his headphones off as Ray walks in the room. "I'll do it."

It takes Seven a moment to catch on before his face begins to light up. "Yes! You mean the agency stuff right?" He spins around in hits chair to face him fully. "You can start now if you'd like."

Relief flows through Seven. He's been up to his head in his work and hasn't been able to catch a break for hours. His eyes hurt and fingers ache from typing. With Saeran's help, he'll finish the much faster. "I wasn't expecting you to accept so quickly. What made you agree?"

Saeran's hands slam down on the back of Seven's chair, his nails sinking into the soft black leather. He takes a deep breath and his tone wavers. "When were you going to tell me?" The room grows cold and Saeyoung's lips knit themselves shut. He remains silent. "When were you going to tell me about Y/n's condition? You knew didn't you?!"

"Yes..." he finally responds. "But that was something that I figured Y/n would want to tell you on her-"

"That's not the only thing though, is it?" Saeran nearly pulls out his hair as he repeats the 'something else' that Y/n told him in the car. "MC tried to take advantage of Y/n! Only for her to have to take the blame for something she didn't do!" Saeyoung pales. It's the last thing he wanted Y/n to tell him.

"Why would you let her into the RFA? Someone as innocent as her?" Tears sting the backs of his eyes and he sinks to the floor. His hands cover his eyes and he curls up into a ball. "Why would you bring her into danger when you know that the Mint Eye is coming back?"

Seven wants to tell him everything. He wants his brother to know that he did this to protect Y/n- that if she didn't join the RFA they wouldn't be able to protect her at all because she has already been on their radar. But that's only partially true. If their only goal was to protect Y/n, V could've asked Jumin to give her a placement overseas where the Mint Eye can't reach her and report the cult to the police. But they haven't yet. And they probably won't. It's hypocritical of him to say that he too wants to protect Y/n. So instead he directs the conversation away from himself. "If you could go back, would you make the choice of keeping her out of the RFA? Even if it meant that you wouldn't be able to be with her like you are now?"

Saeran doesn't hesitate. "Of course. Of course," he repeats. "Me and my feelings don't matter. My only meaning in life is keeping her safe. That's all I could ever wish for."

Saeyoung can't find anything to say. Saeran is kind. Despite all the pain that he's gone through. A small smile comes to his lips. At least one of them are still good.


MC and I were close when we were younger. She got healthy a few years before me and started going to school full time in middle school. I started in high school, but that's when we started to become distant. She was often alone, but never wanted to sit with me or my friends. She avoided me. When I stopped chasing her, I heard that she tried starting rumor about me, but no one listened. After that incident, she invited me over.

I thought she wanted to apologize, but instead she tried to force herself on me. I reported it to the school, but they didn't take it seriously since she's a woman. When my report was under discussion I was changing medications and wasn't really stable. I don't remember all the details but I ended up needing surgery. My dad was struggling to get the money together fast enough when MC's family approached him. If I agreed to say that I made up the accusation, they would pay for the surgery.

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