Story Mode 105: Sick and Tired

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Liquid sloshes in the white ceramic bowl that Y/n clings to with all of her strength. Her gut heaves desperately as her lungs struggle for air. Her body rocks, the world tilts, and she bends over the toilet again. Vomit rushes out of her throat leaving her stomach empty and her throat sore. Sucked of her energy she wilts to the cold tile floor. She can't believe what she read. Her vision stabilizes and she wraps her arms around herself in an attempt to stop her trembling. How could a human be cable of such cruelties?

She pushes herself up off the bathroom floor, the back of her eyes stinging. Shakily, she wipes her mouth off with a piece of toilet paper and flushes it down the toilet with the entire contents from her stomach. Though unsteady, she makes it to her feet and then to the shared sinks. Once the taste of vomit is out of her mouth, she navigates the halls and makes her escape back to her room.

The moment the door closes behind her, Y/n sends the information she gathered to Seven through the secure path that he made her. Rika didn't skimp out on the details when writing about Saeran's father and Korea's Prime Minister, Saejoon Choi. Y/n was only able to read through a third of it before she couldn't take it any longer. Each case was full of the grotesque details and each coverup had the initial police report which includes graphic images of all sorts of wounds and corpses. She couldn't take it a second longer. Doing her best not to look at anything too closely, Y/n holds back her pain as she scans each page of the lengthy report with her phone. Once the last page is ready, she enters the security code that Seven had given her previously and sends the information off. She lays back on her bed, her stomach still queasy, though better than before. "I did it."

Just as her eyes are about to close, a soft knock grazes the door. Y/n bolts to full alertness and stumbles out of her bed. "Y/n." She's over to the file in seconds, and she practically runs it back to her bed. "I'm coming in." The door opens and the file slides under the bed. Y/n can't tell which was faster.

"Y/n..." MC stands firm in the doorway. Her long brown bangs cover her eyes completely and her arms are pulled tightly into her form despite carrying a tray stacked with various items. "I heard that you were sick."

Cautiously, Y/n straightens out her posture and crosses her arms. The woman that was attacking her not too long ago suddenly appears to be small and frail. Could this be due to the disciplining that Rika mentioned? "Yeah. Sick of seeing your damn face."

"I know." MC's head drops immediately, her face turning to the floor hiding from Y/n's sight completely. She's trembling. "The cleansing ceremony I had today reminded me of everything." She sucks in a breath and holds it tightly, as if afraid of what might come out when she lets it go. "What you said was right. I was just afraid of being alone. I still am... I'm still weak."

For a moment, just a small moment, the MC in front of her resembles the one that Y/n knew when she was younger. The one that invited her to play with her at the park again one day. That moment is short. And gone. "Get out." MC hesitates but doesn't move. "Get the fuck out!" When she doesn't leave Y/n's hands find her pillows and they are flying across the room at MC in seconds.

MC lets the pillows hit her. They knock the tray out of her hands sending the items once stacked upon it flying across the room. Y/n's fingers nearly grab Nunsseob, but she stops. When the next blow doesn't come, MC speaks up. "I can't ask for your forgiveness or make things right, but what can I do for you now?" Desperation laces her plea. Just like with the Mint Eye, if MC can somehow prove her usefulness then maybe she won't be abandoned. Her shoulders shake and she struggles to wipe the tears out of her eyes. "Please, tell me Y/n!"

Y/n steels herself. "Help me escape."

MC shakes her head, her body crumpling even more beneath the weight of Y/n's words. Was there ever a way to make Y/n want to be with MC as much as she wanted to be with her? "You would leave me."

"Then keep Saeran from coming here."

"The Savior would punish me," MC hiccups, taking both of her hands to cover her red growing face. "I might not be able to see you anymore..."

"Why can't you understand that that's how I want it?!" Y/n releases a deep breath. She's utterly tired. Tired of the pain, tired of the fighting, tired of the crying, tired of the surprises. "Just go away and let me spend my evening in peace."

MC bows low, her long brown hair nearly sweeping the ground. Y/n watches her in silence. Once the woman deems the bow long enough, she rises from her position and backs out of the room. "I'll come back another time... for eternal paradise."

When the door finally closes, Y/n lets out a long sigh of relief and falls onto her bed, pulling Nunsseob close to her chest. A bottle of water, stomach medicine, and what appears to be a pre-packaged sandwich make up the items from the tray that have been scattered across the room. Y/n sighs. Even if she hates the bitch, Y/n has to love and be kind to herself. Since she threw up everything, she'll make sure to eat the snack in addition to whatever dinner they bring her later.

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