Story Mode 89: As Rational As Jumin

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"Mr. L/n," Jumin removes the gag from around the man's mouth and then moves to do the same for his wrists. The man grunts in thanks, his hands immediately going to hold his throbbing head as he is freed. He should've quit smoking sooner. Lately, it's brought nothing but trouble. "You appear to be in decent condition. What can you tell me about the person who attacked you?"

"That can wait," he snaps, his hands ripping at the ties around his ankles. "They did something to Y/n. Where is she?!" He jumps to his full height, a dangerous mix of a hurt pride and a desire for revenge convulsing through him. He can't believe that he was captured so easily. The damn tramp had knocked him out from behind with the butt of her gun when he was focused on fishing a lighter out of his pocket. Even more than fixing her lack of creativity of using the same method to knock him out a second time, MC needs to be taught a stern lesson for daring to meddle in Y/n's life again.

"Let me explain the situation that we are in to you." Jumin closes his eyes in slight annoyance before opening them slowly. If only more of those around him were as rational as he. "Your daughter has been kidnapped and Ray is currently tracking her location to chase after her. The hospital is being evacuated due to a bomb that Luciel is working on disabling. No, we can't go after Y/n now and no, we can't contact the police for help." The truth is one that he himself doesn't like, but Jumin has no choice but to accept reality in order to make the best decisions as possible in the given situation. "I don't have all the details, but the man that kidnapped Y/n, presumably Dr. Yun, is connected to a larger organization that can easily cut him off if his connection is revealed to the police. In order to maintain the few leads we have, it is imperative that we stay quiet for now."

"D/n clenches his jaw tightly, "And you expect me to just sit here while my daughter is missing?!"

"No." Two guards make their presence known as they hang at the CEO-in-line's side. "I expect you to evacuate the building and get to a safe location." D/n raises his voice to object, but Jumin cuts him off swiftly. "You will only get in the way of us saving Y/n by running wild. If you care about your daughter, keep yourself safe and let us focus on getting her back."

D/n's hands release and he wipes his hand down the front of his face. A pathetic chuckle escapes his throat and his eyes fall to the floor. "So the day has come where I can't be the one to save my little girl..." he shakes his head and places a hand on Jumin's broad shoulder. He gives it a squeeze. "'I'm counting on you. Make sure you find her.'" The edges of the man's lips curve up slightly and fur the first time, his age is heavy in the creases of his face. "Tell that to that gardening boy, Ray, for me. He better not make me regret entrusting Y/n to him."

"Very well." Jumin flicks the man's hand from his shoulder and turns to one of his guards. "Escort him and any stragglers to the safe zone."

"Yes sir!"


Luciel fiddles with the inside of a contraption, sweat dripping down the of his forehead. The air in the boiling room is thick and if not for the flashlight in his mouth, it would be impossible to see in the dark and hazy room. He tries as much as possible to avoid touching the machinery. Still, each graze against it results in a hot searing of his pale skin.

Finally, he unscrews a compartment within the bomb adhered at an awkward position above him. He carefully removes a metal plate revealing a green and black circuit with multiple cords attached to the top of it, their ends hidden somewhere in a deeper part of the machine. With the forceps he's been heating on the machine, he fries various parts of the circuit carefully. When a small light on the plate goes out, he lets out a breath of relief. It can no longer be remotely activated. Luckily, it's not a complex model, so Luciel finishes the job quickly. He cuts through the small wires and punctures one of the fatter ones. As some of the chemicals begin to leak into the air, Luciel quickly slips back to where Jumin waits outside. Sure it may not be the most professional job, but at least it won't explode anymore.

Luciel closes the door behind himself and is surprised to see the area empty aside from Jumin. He must've sent his last body guard to take refuge. The future CEO crosses his arms, his dark eyes bearing into Luciel's form. His skin is littered with burns from the machine and several darkening bruises of his twin brother's work. "So," the man starts. Luciel braces himself for the question, his feet planting themself in the ground. "Was it the red or the blue one?"



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