Story Mode 65: Here in the Moonlight

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"Saeran." The door on the old house bounces shut behind Y/n. She stands only a few strides away from him. "Saeran, please." The gun is still as it stares at the man's temple. Y/n takes a step forward. "Please, I don't know what you're thinking, but I need you to put that down."

He turns around slowly. His mint eyes lock with hers. The gun doesn't falter. The moon basks his back in light and shadows cloud his expression. "I couldn't do anything right, Y/n. I haven't changed."

"What do you mean?" Y/n's voice cracks as she takes another stride towards him. He stiffens and she freezes to the spot immediately. "Saeran, you've done plenty right. Things don't have have to come to this."

He doesn't respond. He simply stares. Why did she have to come for him? She shouldn't have wasted her time on someone like him. He has only hurt her. And if he remains by her, he'll continue to do so.

She takes another step forward. She can almost reach out to him. "Saeran, you remember, don't you?" Her words become awash with sadness, but she swallows it down and smiles. "Things like that are only made to shoot out little red stars. They should only be used to win cute prizes like Nunsseob."

Saeran lowers the gun to his side. Relief rushes to Y/n's face but his expression doesn't alter. If anything, he looks as if he has traveled even further away from her. His voice is barely above a whisper. "...I will no longer hurt you. You never pressured me into sharing my secrets or inflicted any kind of pain on me. You accepted me as I am."

His hand remains secure on the pistol.

Tears begin to roll down Y/n's cheeks. "And I still will."

"You're from a completely different world from me. I wanted to get to know you and that world better, but at the same time I wanted to neglect you and hide. Even when you said that you're mine, I couldn't stop thinking that you would betray me. Yet, even after all this time, you're still here at my side."

"So let's get through this together." She takes the final step. Her hand extends in front of her, palm up. "Please." She trembles. "Give me the gun."

His arm begins to lift at his side. His expression is unchanging. "This is enough for me. Being able to watch the moon without pain. It's enough. Seeing you one last time is a blessing that I don't deserve." A weak smile paints his lips. "Even if I wasn't able to do it right," the tip of the pistol kisses his temple. "I'm happy I fell in love with you."




The sound of a gunshot rips through the abandoned house.

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