14| never ghost nick fury

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Y/n's pov
"Thank you all for coming out to support those who have been displaced by the Blip, and, of course, thanks to our very own Spider-Man!" May says as the crowd erupts in applause for Spider-Man. I clap from the side of the stage.

"Thank you, Ms. Parker, for having me. And thank you guys for having me." He says giving the audience an awkward thumbs up. He looks over at me and I wave at him, grinning widely. He waves back at me, then walks off stage, to the opposite side that I'm on, with May. I can't believe he waved at me!

Peter's pov
I see Y/n wave at me from off stage, she looks really pretty. I wave back before May drags me off stage. I get backstage and snap out of thinking how pretty Y/n looked.

"That was amazing!" I say to May.

"That was great." She says high fiving me. We talk about how it was going, and we both felt I was a little stiff. I guess it's still hard to act calm since Mr Stark's, well you know. May then changes the subject by asking if I have everything for the Europe trip, which I tell her I do. Happy then walks in holding a massive check.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." He says, clearly struggling with the check. I say hey grabbing the check from him. Happy and May start flirting awkwardly in front of me and I just look between them. I want to die, why do I have to watch this.

"Anyway, the reason I'm late is because this was misplaced at the office. Can you believe it? Because it's enormous. I mean, not the amount, the size. The amount's nice too." Happy says pointing at the check in my hands, and May laughs. When May leaves I give Happy a death glare.

"What just happened?" I say to Happy, still scarred from his and May's old people flirting.

"Heads up, Nick Fury's calling you." Happy says, avoiding my question.

"Nick Fury's going to call me?" I ask shocked. In return and get a nod from Happy.

"Why?" I ask, still shocked and confused.

"Why? Because he probably has some hero stuff for you to do. You're a superhero. He calls superheroes." Happy says taking the check, I forgot I was holding, out of my hands and resting it on a wall.

"Well, I mean if it was really that important, he'd probably call someone else. Not me... Wasn't he trying to get Y/n into superhero stuff?" I ask.

"She's not ready Peter. Imagine how much pressure would be on her. She would be expected to be the next Iron Man, woman, girl... I don't know. Anyways, she even told Nick that she doesn't want to get into the superhero stuff. Now that takes guts." Happy explains. I guess I'd rather get pressured into becoming the next Tony Stark than Y/n. Remember what he told you Peter; don't let Y/n get hurt. My thoughts get cut off by my phone ringing. It's probably Ned... Nope, not Ned.

"No caller ID. That's him." Happy says looking over my shoulder at my phone. I decline the call, and Happy freaks saying I should never ghost Nick Fury. I promise Happy to call Nick Fury, even though I won't till after the trip, but don't tell Happy that. I then walk off back onto the stage.

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