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You were all sitting in the kitchen, you had just finished a tasty lunch. Ryan had managed to find the cheese, you glared at him as he made his sandwich.

"can we go on an adventure doc?" you asked.

"You still need to rest (y/n)" she replied.

"I feel fine, pleassse?"

"It has been just over three days since our last one doctor, maybe it will do us all some good? And (y/n) is looking a lot better" Yaz said.

"I love the Tardis, but it would be great to get out" Ryan added.

"Maybe it would do us some good, doc" Graham said.

"Ha, four against one Doctor" you laughed.

"My ship, my rules" she smirked, "but I suppose it would do us some good, no aliens though and nothing too dangerous, how about we choose somewhere on earth? Past or future?" she asked.

"past" you said.

"You have an idea? Where would you like to go?" she asked.

Your eyes lit up, "well, I've always wondered what it would be like to visit the wild west, cowboys, cattle herding, shoot outs, saloons... I've always wanted to have a drink in a saloon" you said.

"So, you want me to take you somewhere where's there's guns and alcohol?" the doctor looked at you, shaking her head.

"It's not like that!" you replied. "I was thinking western Texas, 1880, Railroads were newly built, no cold war, not as many fights with native Americans. A classic town, a good saloon and I promise I won't get drunk" you smiled.

"Or sleep with any cowboys?" Yaz smirked and raised her eyebrow at you. You elbowed her in the arm.

"Good history knowledge... I suppose that doesn't sound too bad" the doctor said.

"I've always wanted to dress up like a cowboy and to actually see what it was like back then, would be really interesting" Graham said.

"Alright then, but (y/n) you promise you'll stay near me and won't do anything stupid?" she gave you a serious look.

"I'm offended, but ok" you replied laughing.

"let's go see what we can find in the wardrobe then" the doctor said excitedly...

You were all standing in the console room, you were just waiting for Graham. You and Yaz both wore checked shirts, tight jeans, and leather cowgirl boots. 

The doctor had changed her trousers to a black pair and her usual t-shirt to a shirt and tan waistcoat with leather boots. She still put on her lilac coat, mumbling something about pockets. She had a black Stetson on her head.

"Love a good Stetson" she smiled.

"Looking good doc" you gave her a wink.

Ryan was wearing dark jeans and a Denham shirt; you could see he had a leather belt around his waist with a big silver buckle. He wore a tan Stetson and leather boots. You all wore a bandana around your necks.

"I think that's the best I've seen you look Ryan" you smirked at him.

"Don't you start flirting with me" he laughed.

"I wasn't" you replied, "But you, looking like that, I'd go there" you winked.

You were interrupted by Graham entering the room, he had gone all out. Stetson, western shirt, jeans, leather chaps, cowboy boots with spurs, leather belt, giant buckle and he even wore a Bolo tie.

"Howdy partner's" he said, "y'all ready to have a rooting, tooting time?" he asked in his best American accent.

You all fell about laughing.

"what do you look like gramps?" Ryan laughed.

"Let's get us to the wild west!" the doctor said heading towards the console.

"1880, western Texas, here we go!" she said pulling the lever down.

The Tardis whirled into action, you quickly latched onto the nearest crystal shard, forgetting how bumpy it was. 

Suddenly, she came to an abrupt stop, throwing you off your feet. You felt yourself falling and readied yourself to hit the ground, but before you did, you felt strong arms around your waist.

"Let's not have you injured today" the doctor laughed, pulling you up.

"Thanks" you grinned.

You all walked towards the Tardis doors, eager to see what was outside.

A Sky Full of Stars - 13th Doctor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now