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The lights came back on and the waitress you had seen arriving earlier, headed to the table with some plates and a knife so you could all have a piece.

"Happy Birthday" she said to Ryan.

Her voice sounded familiar to you, you looked up at her face curiously and froze.

You could feel yourself staring in absolute astonishment. 

"oi" Yaz said, giving you a gently nudge, "Ryan asked if you'd like a piece?" she asked.

You snapped out of your trance, "errr, yeah" you nodded.

The waitress had gone back to the bar.

"Everything alright (y/n)?" the doctor asked.

"You looked like you'd seen a ghost for a second" she said.

Your heart was beating quicker than normal.

"What year did you say it was?" you asked the doctor.

"1993" she replied. "Why?" she asked you curiously.

The dates all added up. You realised that somehow, the Tardis had bought you to the year that your mother had came to live and work in New York. You recognised her as soon as you heard your voice.

Once you looked at her face, it was like staring at your own, you looked so much like the younger her.

You could see the doctor thinking, the clogs turning in her brain.

She looked over at the waitress you had stared at and you could see her eyes light up as she put two and two together. She could instantly see the resemblance.

"(y/n)" she said gently, "You said your mum moved to New York for a year, before you were born...That lady is her, she's your mum, the waitress who's just turned up?" she questioned.

"Yes, that's my mum..." you whispered.

"What!" Yaz gasped, looking at the waitress.

"Oh my god, it's like looking at you" Graham said.

"Are you ok (y/n)?" Ryan asked, tears had begun to well up in your eyes.

The doctor pulled you closer to her.

You could see your mum begin to head towards your table.

"This is not good, we shouldn't be here, being within personal timelines is dangerous! Be very careful what you say to her (y/n)" the doctor quickly said to you.

She had arrived at your table.

"Hi I'm Isla, I'll be serving you now, Ruby said bye and to give you this" she handed Ryan a piece of paper. She spoke in a Yorkshire accent.

"Result, got her number" he laughed.

"you guys are English too?" she asked.

"Yeah" Yaz grinned, "London way and Yorkshire, Sheffield and Huddersfield" she grinned.

"No way! I'm from Huddersfield, I just came out here for the year to travel and work, to get my mind off..." she stopped what she was about to say.

"It's a small world, hey" she smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Yeah, real small" you replied.

You couldn't believe that you were having a conversation with a younger version of your mother. You had always dreamed of being able to see and speak to her, one last time.

"What's bothering you?" You asked her, "I can tell something is, your smile isn't quite reaching your eyes, your doing that frowny face and trying to hide it like you always do" you said, without thinking.

A Sky Full of Stars - 13th Doctor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now