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The walk through the field felt like it would last forever.

You felt an unsettled and uncomfortable feeling rush through you as you both headed towards the village.

You didn't like the fact that it was so open and that you were surrounded by wide, empty spaces. There was no where to hide and the slow drifting fog didn't help.

You were both trying to keep your footing and not trip over anything. 

You and Yaz's eyes kept frantically looking around, expecting an angel to suddenly appear in front of you, at any moment

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You and Yaz's eyes kept frantically looking around, expecting an angel to suddenly appear in front of you, at any moment.

"I really don't like this" you whispered, clinging onto Yaz's arm a little bit tighter.

"Neither do I..." she said back, "Almost there now..."

You reached the end of the field and began walking along a winding path, which led down to the cottages.

"Talk about out in the sticks" Yaz laughed.

You reached the start of the cottages.

You could only see five of them, all spread out, as you carried on, walking down the path.

There was no sign of Graham and Ryan, or the doctor. You were really missing her now.

They were quaint and cute little cottages, a few were thatched, and they all had beautiful little gardens at their entrances.

"Lets try this one" Yaz said, opening a small wooden gate, leading down to one of them.

"We can ask some questions...hopefully find out a little bit more about what's going on" Yaz said, her police training kicking in.

You nodded and followed her down the path.

You could see the dim light through the curtains at the window, and you swore you could see the curtain twitch slightly, someone was definitely home.

Yaz knocked on the door four times.

It quickly opened to reveal a little old lady, she had a sweet and kind face.

"Good evening" Yaz spoke.

"Hello dears, how can I help you?" she asked.

"Hello" Yaz smiled warmly, "I'm Yaz and this is (y/n), we have just arrived here and we couldn't help but notice some strange things going on...we heard a scream and were just checking that everyone is ok" Yaz said.

The old lady listened contently, nodding her head.

"I don't suppose you've noticed anything strange happening around here?" you asked.

"It depends what you mean by strange" the lady replied, "If you mean people going missing, vanishing into thin air and horrifying stone statues appearing and terrifying the village...then yes" she laughed.

A Sky Full of Stars - 13th Doctor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now