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You were still sat slightly dumbfounded, in the same position on the floor, as you heard the doctors sonic unlocking the door. You watched as it burst open and the others quickly entering the room, the doctor taking the lead.

You quickly stood up, brushing yourself down and pretending everything was fine. You felt slightly dizzy for standing and the back of your head was still throbbing painfully.

"(Y/N)!" the doctor shouted, upon seeing you.

"Thank goodness you're alright, we heard someone shouting your name!" she said, moving closer to you, a look of relief on her face.

However, as soon as she was close to you, the look of relief soon turned to one of annoyance.

However, as soon as she was close to you, the look of relief soon turned to one of annoyance

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"You wandered off...on your own, when I specifically said not to" she said, a cross look on her face.

"Sorry" you quickly mumbled.

"something could have happened to you!" she said, her voice beginning to raise.

"Yeah, please don't do that (y/n), we were really worried about you" Graham added.

"I didn't do it intentionally!" you replied, defending yourself.

"Intentional or not...I thought you were finally starting to behave yourself" the doctor said, glaring at you.

"That will never happen" you smirked.

"Not funny!" the doctor snapped back.

"Stop treating me like a child!" you replied.

"Stop acting like one then" the doctor shot back.

You let out a long sigh, taking a step closer to her, your head throbbed and you winced slightly at the pain.

"You're not hurt, are you?" she asked, raising her brows at you.

"No...I'm fine" you lied, not wanting to annoy her even more.

The doctor just stared at you, not looking  convinced.

"look...I thought I saw some kind of movement and I got curious, I then heard a weird sound and went to follow it, I was just investigating" you explained.

"Did you not think to just say to any of us that you had seen something, so we could all have went and looked together?" the doctor questioned.

"Errr, no" you replied.

Yaz let out a small laugh and the doctor shot her a look, making her stop instantly.

"Anyway, did you guys find anything?" you asked.

"No, but we all kept getting some really funny feelings, but it was almost like we couldn't remember why we were feeling like that..." Yaz said.

"Well...I found out rather a lot" you smirked.

A Sky Full of Stars - 13th Doctor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now