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Ryan and Yaz still had a hold of you as you all ran out of the door.

You were all heading back to the Tardis, it seemed like it was going to be a bit of a walk. You didn't know how far you had all been taken when you had been knocked out.

You were about half way back when you stopped. "Doctor" you said.

She looked at you.

"Please can you take these handcuff's off now and get these two off me" you grumbled.

She came closer to you.

"You feel more in control?" she asked.

"Slightly" you said, "I mean with you all, I don't have the urge to beat the shit out of you quite so much anymore" you muttered.

"I can feel my wrists hurting now and I know the daleks have gone...I still have that rage, I still feel like I'm burning but not seeing them, slightly helps" you explained.

She looked at your wrists. They had deep cuts on them, and blood was running down your arms, they were badly bruised.

"I'll take them off" she said, but these two are still going to be holding you, at your side ok?" she said.

"It's still inside you, it will be for a while, the smallest thing could provoke you and you could turn at any second" she said, sadly.

"I know" you replied, "I am constantly fighting it...my whole body is protesting, it's so painful" you whispered.

"As soon as we can get back to the Tardis, I will be able to help" the doctor said, gently undoing your handcuffs.

Yaz and Ryan still hesitantly kept a hold of your arms.

You could see the Tardis now, not too far ahead of you.

"Stop..." you heard an awful voice instruct.

You all swung around, there was a lone dalek there, you thought they had all gone.

The doctor quickly pulled out her sonic, she looked confused.

"Your weapons aren't even activated?" she said, raising an eyebrow.

"No" it simply said.

The rage had returned at the sight of the dalek and you were struggling and pulling against ryan and Yaz.

"You're the one Ki-Hal found first?" the doctor asked, "The weak one...you managed to get yourself in the casing?" she said.

"Yes... he trusted me...he did not put a bomb inside of mine" it laughed manically, seeming unhinged.

"Why are you here?" the doctor questioned, "You can't do anything your weapons aren't even working" she sneered.

"To torment you" it's robotic, manic laugh ran out.

You had almost manged to get Ryan and Yaz off you. You just wanted to throw yourself at it.

The doctor looked at you, "Please, try and stay in control, we really need to get to the Tardis..."

Yaz and Ryan began trying to drag you that way.

"I heard my race killed your family" it laughed.

You turned towards it.

"It's trying to provoke her!" the doctor said, "we need to get moving, right now".

Your whole body was shaking again, a rage flowed through you, stronger than before. You lashed out at Ryan and Yaz, managing to pull yourself free.

A Sky Full of Stars - 13th Doctor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now