twenty five; carrie white

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Charlotte hadn't heard a thing about her dad since he had left them that day

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Charlotte hadn't heard a thing about her dad since he had left them that day. She didn't know if he was still with that woman, where he went to, or even what he looked like now. Not that it mattered, she didn't want to know anything about him, but not everyone got what they wanted.

"Hello, Charlotte."

She took a deep breath, "Hi James, how are ya?" She wasn't going to let the blonde know that he scared her.

"I've got some company keeping me well." Charlotte presumed that it would just be Victoria, Laurent had said not to underestimate her so it would only make sense.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, he wants me to tell you that he misses you." It was then that she could hear a mans voice in the background, she couldn't make out what it was saying but it didn't sound happy. "Aren't you going to say hi to daddy dearest?"

The phone Charlotte was holding fell from her grip, she couldn't believe James was with her dad or that he was even in the country at all. He'd been even closer than she had thought the whole time. It took a few seconds for Charlotte to get over her shock and managed to pick the phone up from the floor. "What do you want?"

She knew what James' reply was going to be the second he started laughing, but what else was she supposed to say? "Silly Charlotte. You should already know."

"Where?" She tried to keep her voice confident and strong, but she wasn't sure if she really sounded how she thought she did in her head.

"Did you know you had brothers, Charlotte? I've been looking at some of their artwork, it could do with a bit of improvement though." As if the shock of Charlotte's dad being in the same state as her wasn't enough, she damn near had a heart attack at the news that she had siblings.

"Tell me where you are."

"St Josephs, its just five minutes from where you are. Come alone, if you bring anyone it won't end well for your dad." The line then went dead.

Charlotte had always told herself that she would never have anything to do with her dad ever again, not after everything that happened. She wanted to hate him, she'd wished for karma to catch him almost everyday.

And now it had.

But she wasn't feeling the relief and happiness that she thought she would. Maybe it was because she now knew that there were children who had done nothing wrong involved- boys that were a product of an affair that wasn't their fault, they didn't deserve to be punished.

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