ten; old friends

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Charlotte had decided that she needed a day just to be by herself

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Charlotte had decided that she needed a day just to be by herself. A day of self bonding, and healing. A day of her just to be comfortable with her own company again.

Now that she'd been spending so much time with the wolf pack, she hadn't really spent any time alone. However she could still feel the hole in her heart when she was alone in bed. It had started to fill, but it would never be fully complete until she brought herself closure.

Which is why she now found herself stood in the field where her and Edward would spend most of their time together.

It looked so different than before, so much so that she thought it was a different field. There were no more flowers, or long green grass. It had all died.

Charlotte liked to think it was symbolic.

A part of her felt upset that the beautiful field was no longer that.

She walked to the middle of it, spinning around in a circle, feeling the memories of all the time she spent here flow through her.

A month ago she would have cried at even the thought of being back here, but today she was happy. It showed she wasn't weak anymore, she could get over them.

It felt better to look back on the past and smile rather than cry.

Only once Charlotte stopped spinning did she notice the figure stood watching her, her heart stopping from surprise when she saw him. (And a little bit of embarrassment)

"Charlotte." The accent that she loved drawled to her.

"Laurent." She wasn't sure if she should be happy or scared at his appearance. Although she was sure it should probably be the latter. Vampires brought nothing but trouble. And even though he had warned her about Victoria which was nice of him, she distinctly remembered Edward warning her to never trust a vampire.

"I didn't expect to find you here." Confusion swam around her brain at his words, he didn't expect a girl from Forks to be in Forks? "I went to visit the Cullens, but the house is empty." Oh that made more sense. "I'm surprised they left you behind, aren't you a errr- pet of theirs?"

Charlotte was offended at his words, she blinked at the man, making sure to keep her eyes trained on his moving figure. "I prefer the term 'lap dog'."

"Do the Cullens visit often?"

She wasn't sure what game Laurent was playing, but if he wanted to play then so would she. And she would play it better.

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