thirteen; uninvited visitors

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I'd often thought about how I would die, which ways would be worse than others, which I'd prefer, which would be the most dramatic and if anyone would actually care.

I think that's something everyone does though. Wonder who would show up to their funeral if they died I mean. My mum has always called me morbid for it, said that it wasn't something I should be thinking about when I was young,  that I had so much of my life left. Even though she knew better than anyone how quickly things could change.

I'd read a news article only a few days ago, a man had just been walking home from the shops when a car mounted the curb and hit him. He was gone just like that.

I'd watched a film where a girl had so much of her life left to live and has so many things left to do. But her life was cute short by some disease.

Sorry for not being the most cheerful, but
my mum sees it everyday. People coming in with what the think is a cold and then never going home, or someone going home with the worst news of their life. All it takes is a split second for everything to change.

I'd made my peace with death when I met James I knew that when my time came I would be ready. I just didn't know if everyone else would be.

I was my mums pride and joy, she'd been very open with the fact that she would hurt anyone if they hurt me- even if she was only 112 lbs or so. Unfortunately Edward had disappeared before she could get to him.

In truth a baby was never on her to-do list. She'd been raised in a house where it was taught that careers should be put in front of everything else.

And so she worked so hard, she would work before school and then after too. But her grades never dropped, she needed to get a good job.

Thankfully she did, there weren't many jobs that were better than a doctor,

I think I was unwanted by my mum. I'm pretty sure she was petrified, she didn't know what it would do to her career, the thing that had been instilled into her since she could walk was now at threat.

She never says it, but I know that she was also scared that she was going to be like her parents. But she was so scared that she wasn't going to love me in the way that I wanted.

Until I was born, then she became obsessed with me.

My dad used to tell me stories about how he'd find her stood above my cot at four in the morning just watching my chest. Scared that if she looked away it would just stop, or something so rare would happen, like I'd choke on my own spit.

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