three; perfection

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"I think I'd be a better valedictorian

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"I think I'd be a better valedictorian."

The glare that Jessica sent Charlotte once she had spoke was murderous. No one came in between Jess and her role as valedictorian, not even the dying girl.

"You would be the worst one ever."

"Thanks, Jess, that means a lot." Charlotte shoved a nugget into her mouth, not bothering to swallow it all before she started talking, "You know people would sob through my speech. I'd get up there with a 'live an amazing life, because I won't be able to' or a 'please name one of your little brats after me, make sure my legacy lives on'. You know they would eat that shit up."

All Jess could do was stare at her friend, "You are sick in the head."

"And the body." Charlotte nudged Angela in the side as she made her joke, it was true what they say - if you don't laugh you'll cry.

Mike grabbed onto the notepad that was in front of Jess, starting to write stuff down.

"My fellow students. Cool. Right? We are the future- Cute- Anything is possible... If you just believe."

Charlotte cringed at what Mike was saying, she hated speeches, "Cool if you're five and want to be an astronaut."

"Nice." Angela commented, nodding her head and ignoring the comment of the ginger next to her.

"Blah, blah, blah... perfect. And you got yourself a speech." He rips off the page and passes it to Jessica.

"No," She crumples the paper and tosses it at him, "This will be my speech when I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head... So thank you."

"Embrace the cliches, Jess."

"They are the bread and butter of all valedictorians." Eric spoke with a smile on his face.

"And that's why you are not valedictorian. And Jess doesn't need cliches. Her speech will be epic." Angela, of course had her friends back. Charlotte would expect nothing less.

"Epic? It'll change lives."

The group moved their eyes over to the Cullens who had just sat down at their usual table, minus Jasper, Edward and Alice.

"How come Edward isn't sat with us yet?" Angela asked Charlotte, it was a fair question, normally he was glued to her side. But oh how Charlotte wished her beloved friend could just have kept quiet, Isabella was not meant to know.

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