two; traitor

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The Cullen house had become Charlotte's second home, in fact she spent more time there than she did anywhere else

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The Cullen house had become Charlotte's second home, in fact she spent more time there than she did anywhere else.

If it wasn't for April and school, Charlotte would probably never leave.

Obviously this left her feeling quite bad, she had so little time left to spend with Bella, April and Charlie but yet she hardly saw them. Which is why for the past five days she had been staying at home. While she was loving the quality time with her small family, she was missing Esme's cooking, April didn't have the cooking gift that Esme seemed to have.

Which is why Charlotte was on her way to stay at the Cullens house for the night.

In her rush to get there, she had neglected to let anyone know she would be staying over. It wasn't like they'd say no if she asked, so she didn't see the problem there. And she was practically living there, so surely she could just show up whenever she wanted.

It wasn't rude, was it?

Once Charlotte had arrived at the house, she was surprised when no one came rushing out of the front door to greet her. Normally the family had heard her coming from miles away and would be all prepped for her arrival.

Shrugging it off, Charlotte climbed out of the car and made her way into the house. She wasn't sure why, but she could feel a sinking feeling start to set in her stomach.

Something wasn't right.

Keeping as quiet as she could, Charlotte made her way to the living room. From the muffled sound of voices, she knew they were all in there. She just couldn't figure out what they were saying yet.

"......That's not fair, Edward." Charlotte stopped near the top of the stairs, out of sight but able to hear exactly what was being said.

Maybe it was wrong of her to invade the families privacy like this, but something was telling her she needed to. If she ended up listening in on a conversation that she didn't need to hear, she would just pretend she hadn't.

No big deal.

"I know, Alice. Rosalie has already lectured me. I don't think you need to as well." It didn't take long for alarm bells to start ringing in Charlotte's mind, "She's not well, I don't want to upset her anymore."

Charlotte could hear some shuffling around upstairs, she wondered how everyone was positioned in the room. Maybe then she'd have more of an idea what they were talking about.

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