20. Becoming Animagi

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Nic and Tyriq met up the next morning to start the transformation. "Okay," Nic began. "Tonight is the full moon so you need to decide now if you want to attempt this."

"I'll do it," he decided immediately.

"Okay, then we need to keep these in our mouths for a full month," Nic explained, handing him a mandrake leaf. "You can't take it out at any point until next month or you'll have to start over."

"How did you even get these?" Tyriq asked, eyeing the leaf strangely.

"Well," Nic explained with a small smirk. "You remember when I was called to Sprouts office last night?"

"You didn't," Tyriq groaned, but an impressed smirk crossed his lips.

"Well I guess better now than never," Nic sighed before putting the leaf in her mouth. Shaking his head at her antics, Tyriq did the same. They both went through their classes pretty easily as they both were good students. Nic seemed to just naturally get everything aside from a few of the harder spells. Tyriq was much the same apart from Potions, which he was just awful at. A few people remarked on how quiet they were, but they merely shrugged and moved on.

The month passed slowly and painfully with Nic keeping up with all her classes and keeping up with Quidditch and her schoolwork. Finally, the next full moon came. Nic handed Tyriq the vial they were supposed to use and they both placed the leaves inside them, grimacing when they were finally out of their mouths. Then they began to add the dew every morning.

Once they'd finished, they hid the vials in the dark closet that Nic had discovered in second year in her dorm room. "So what's next?" Tyriq asked as Nic returned from hiding the vials.

"You have to follow this spell exactly every morning and night," Nic explaining, handing him a slip of parchment. "Until the next thunderstorm." He nodded, looking it over. They lucked out and the next thunderstorm was three days later. "Let's go!" Nic called, rushing to grab the vials as she heard the storm. They ran to the place they'd previously determined. They went deep into the Forbidden Forest on brooms and stood facing each other, both rather pale.

Taking a deep breath, Nic placed her wand tip to her heart as Tyriq did the same. They recited the spell and drank the potion. Instantly a pain erupted through them. Then a second heartbeat pounded in their chests. Next moment, Nic looked around to find no Tyriq. Instead there was a proud looking falcon. Looking down, Nic saw that she was now on two claws. Flapping her wings, she saw flecks of fire dance through the air. Letting out a bird-cry, she flew unsteadily into the air.

The falcon followed and they flew through the air together. Unknown to them, a large black dog watched with a small smile. Seeing it was almost dark, Nic flew back to the ground and remembered how to turn back. Next moment, she was sprawled on the ground. Tyriq soon appeared too with the biggest smile on his face. "That, that was amazing," he exclaimed, standing. Grabbing their wands, they headed back to the school.

Going pale, Nic remarked, "We'll get in trouble if we go in now."

"Don't worry," Tyriq replied. "Justin always opens our window. We can fly in."

"Susan does that too," Nic realized, letting out a small laugh. "Something about the night air being calming or something." Tyriq laughed and they changed back. Nic soared to the castle and the two slipped into their dorm rooms. In his office, Dumbledore smiled, shaking his head.

"So like James."

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